The New Gender Paradox. Judith Lorber
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Название: The New Gender Paradox

Автор: Judith Lorber

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Управление, подбор персонала


isbn: 9781509544370


СКАЧАТЬ in the importance of gendered characteristics influences the search for candidates who are “masculine” or “feminine.” In westernized cultures, “masculine” traits would be rationality, objectivity, and aggressiveness; “feminine” traits would be emotional sensitivity, psychological perceptivity, and ability to mediate and compromise. In a non-gendered workplace, the search would be for workers who exhibited “neutral” characteristics, such as intelligence, honesty, experience, and mental agility. The gender designations of attributes as masculine, feminine, or neutral are culturally contingent, and the skills needed for a job are frequently re-gendered as the gender composition of the workforce changes (Jacobs 1989; Reskin and Roos 1990). The same jobs can be stereotyped as masculine “dangerous work” in one country and feminine work needing “nimble fingers” in another (Poster 2001).

      The end result of the attribution of desired characteristics is the valuation of men workers over women workers, men’s jobs over women’s jobs, and “masculine” over “feminine” work capabilities. However the workplace is gendered, the economic outcome seems to be stubbornly uniform in advantaging men. Salaries are highest in jobs where men are the predominant workers, whether the worker is a woman or a man, and lowest in jobs where women are the predominant workers, again whether the worker is a man or a woman. Looked at from the perspective of the worker, men have the advantage no matter what the gender composition of the job or workplace since they earn more than women in jobs where men are the majority, in jobs where women are the majority, and in gender-balanced jobs.

      Gender structures nation-states into gender regimes. Just as organizations are not aggregates of gendered practices but have a logic of their own, gender regimes are not aggregations of gendered organizations. Gender regimes stratify women and men across organizations, so that they are valued more or less over a matrix of statuses that determine their access to power, prestige, and economic resources (Collins 2000; Yuval-Davis 1997). Commonly, gender intertwines with racial, ethnic, and class stratification, so that gender is only one aspect of an intersectional complex of inequality (Acker 2006; Collins 2019; Crenshaw 1989; McCall 2001).

      The concept of gender as a social institution makes change seem impossible, but institutions do evolve or are drastically altered through political movements. Through feminist political activism and other political and social forces, the institution of gender has certainly evolved in western societies: Women and men now have formal equality in all the major social spheres (Jackson 1998). No laws prevent women from achieving what they can, and many laws help them do it by preventing discrimination and sexual harassment. More and more countries are ratifying laws to protect women’s procreative and sexual rights, and to designate rape, battering, and genital mutilation as human rights crimes. However, despite formal and legal equality, discriminatory treatment of women still regularly occurs in the economy and in politics. Gender equality has not significantly penetrated the family division of labor, and conflicts over who takes care of the children spill over and are exacerbated by gender inequities in the paid job market. Women have not gained the power or economic resources in most western societies to ensure the structural bases of gender equality, and so their successes are constantly being undermined by the vicissitudes of the economy, a war, the resurgence of religious fundamentalism, or a pandemic.

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