Amplifiers. Tom Finegan
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Название: Amplifiers

Автор: Tom Finegan

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Управление, подбор персонала


isbn: 9781119794561


СКАЧАТЬ daily grind of the workload, they have the inner drive to persist and get the job done. Managers can rely on these workers to work on tasks until the job is complete.

       Reliability and consistency. One of the great assets of subordinates is that they are reliable. As the business environment, workload, or the work itself changes, subordinates are steadfast and get the work done. They are consistent. Managers can depend on these workers in good times and bad to carry out the mission of the group.

       Ownership. Subordinates believe the job you task them with is theirs. They do not need to be reminded to complete their tasks or to complete their work with the utmost care because they take pride and ownership of their work.

      As strong as these characteristics are and the value they bring to managers, subordinates don't possess the leadership or followership traits necessary to fill a leadership void. They can be counted on to get their job done and done well, but their primary focus will be on their individual responsibilities. They are unlikely to ascend to higher leadership or management roles because they are unable to engage a broader group to amplify output. They are perfectly content being position players and sometimes can be in their roles for long periods of time. Yet organizations cannot succeed without them. They are a critical part of the organization's success. Conversely, some subordinates possess the requisite skills, albeit in an immature state, and simply need to be developed, like raw clay, so they can become effective followers.

      Several years ago, I was introduced to a video clip that quickly became a favorite and one that we use in our leadership development curriculum. The YouTube video of the “lone nut” illustrates the value of followership. The lone nut is a young man at an outdoor concert venue with a modest smattering of people. He starts to dance to the music as an individual in an open section of the field. At first, he is the lone nut dancing among a sea of oglers. Then, one person musters up the courage to join this lone dancer. This first follower makes two. The two dance joyfully until a third individual hesitatingly joins them. Once there are three dancing, others join the group in twos and threes. Some that were at first scoffing at the lone nut look to their friends sitting next to them, shrug their shoulders, and join in. Not only was it now safe for followers to join in but also they might be outcasts if they did not.

      This example is not a perfect business example because it takes place at a festival. The individuals did not need to follow to accomplish a transformation effort or fulfill the mission of any organization. They were simply out to have some fun. None risked their career, nor did they have to worry about getting their other work done. But the example does highlight some key elements of leadership and followership.

      Now the first follower is an important distinction. The first follower has that unique blend of leadership and followership characteristics. The first follower is a true Amplifier. Had the first follower never followed the lone nut, the lone nut never would have become a leader. He just remains the lone nut. The first follower needs courage. The first follower does not know if the rest of the crowd will think dancing in an open field is a good idea. The first follower also must display a similar level of courage and action. It is now much safer for the second follower to participate, yet there is still some risk of being ostracized. The lone nut and the first follower have taken some risk out of the equation for the others.

      The second follower may be following for a variety of reasons. It might be that they truly respect the lone nut or first follower and will always follow them. It could be that they are bored and open for a new challenge. As the three are dancing in the field and other followers start to join, you can see that the idea is beginning to take hold and that it is now entirely safe for others to join in. As people join the group in twos and threes, more and more people join until there is now a large crowd dancing in the field. What's fascinating to me is that there was no big change management plan necessary to motivate this large crowd to get off their picnic blankets and into the open field to dance away. It was a spontaneous burst of energy inspired by the lone nut but made possible by the first follower.

      Why is it that followership has such a bad stigma in our society? In religious context, followership is worthy. Such was the case for the followers of Moses or Jesus. These followers believed in their leaders. They willingly chose to follow them. They trusted that these leaders had their best interests in mind and that they were there to serve them. The leaders showed their followers a better way to live. The leaders had a positive vision for the future and influenced their followers to take positive action to achieve the desired end state. Following is a basic human behavior, but courageous following is more difficult and can be developed.

      Why do we follow? There are several reasons we may find ourselves following someone or something. Generally, as followers we are either obligated, compelled, or inspired. Obligatory followership comes into play in many aspects of our life, such as following traffic regulations, instructions from a teacher, visits to the DMV, and the like. Inspirational followership exists when we follow the purpose of an organization or our inner motives to take action. We may not be following the leader, but the cause the individual is trying to achieve.

      The definition of followership is broken into three levels:

       The capacity or СКАЧАТЬ