Dynamic Thought. Henry Thomas Hamblin
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Название: Dynamic Thought

Автор: Henry Thomas Hamblin

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 4066338128751

isbn: 0


The objects of this book are to alter your mental attitude, to direct your thoughts into those channels which lead to success, achievement, health, happiness and perfect good; the arousing of the inward POWER, the overcoming of bad habits; the building up of character, and the discovery and development of the creative faculty. Do not worry because you cannot follow the course exactly to the letter. Do what you can of it, adapt it to your life, and do the best you can in present circumstances. Remember that although as soon as you start thinking right, you begin to build up your life, yet it takes time for it to manifest. At first, things may seem to be worse and if so, keep on and they will soon settle down. You cannot fail in the long run if you persist and persevere.

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