Teach Yourself VISUALLY Zoom. Paul McFedries
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Название: Teach Yourself VISUALLY Zoom

Автор: Paul McFedries

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Компьютерное Железо


isbn: 9781119835929


СКАЧАТЬ of responsibilities, including admitting authorized users, controlling attendee audio and video when needed, setting security options, removing users, and more. If you are hosting a meeting with many participants, you might find all these tasks burdensome. If so, you can share that burden and make hosting a large meeting easier by making one or more attendees a co-host.

      To make someone a co-host, you need to enable this feature in your profile settings. See the previous section, “Enable the Co-Host Option.”

      Make an Attendee a Meeting Co-Host

Snapshot of three icons representing security, participants, and chat.


In the host controls, click Participants.

      Note: You can also display the Participants pane by pressing Alt + U.

Snapshot of clicking make co-host.

      Zoom opens the Participants pane.


Click the attendee’s More button.


Click Make Co-host.

      Alternatively, click the attendee’s Menu icon (9781119835844-ma020) and then click Make Co-host.

      Note: You can repeat steps 2 and 3 to add more co-hosts, as needed. There is no limit on the number of co-hosts you can add.

      Zoom lets the attendee know that they are now a co-host of the meeting.

      Assign an Attendee to Type Closed Captions

Snapshot of clicking assign a participant to type.


In the host controls, click Closed Caption.


Click Assign a participant to type.

Snapshot of clicking assign to type closed caption.

      dga.eps Alternatively, you can click I will type to assign this task to yourself.

      dgb.eps If you have access to a third-party closed captioning service, click Copy the API token and then paste the token into the service’s closed captioning tool.

      Zoom opens the Participants pane.


Click the attendee’s More button.


Click Assign to Type Closed Caption.

      Alternatively, click the attendee’s Menu icon (9781119835844-ma020) and then click Assign to Type Closed Caption.

      Note: If you do not see the Assign to Type Closed Caption command, it means the user is attending the meeting using a mobile device.

      Zoom lets the attendee know that they have been assigned to type closed captions.

      Enable Screen Sharing for Participants

Snapshot of enabling screen sharing for participants.


Use a web browser to navigate and sign in to https://zoom.us/profile/setting.


Click Meeting.

Snapshot of enabling screen sharing for participants.

      Zoom displays the meeting settings.


Click Screen sharing (9781119835844-ma037 changes to 9781119835844-ma038).


Under Who Can Share?, click All Participants (9781119835844-ma001 changes to 9781119835844-ma002).


Under Who Can Start Sharing When Someone Else Is Sharing?, click All Participants (СКАЧАТЬ