Название: Data Science For Dummies
Автор: Lillian Pierson
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр: Базы данных
isbn: 9781119811619
Your data is nonnormally distributed.
To use Spearman Rank to test for correlation between ordinal variables, you’d simply plug the values for your variables into the following formula and calculate the result.
ρ = Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
d = difference between the two ranks of each data point
n = total number of data points in the data set
FIGURE 4-2: An example of a non-linear relationship between watch time and % viewership.
Reducing Data Dimensionality with Linear Algebra
Any intermediate-level data scientist should have a good understanding of linear algebra and how to do math using matrices. Array and matrix objects are the primary data structure in analytical computing. You need them in order to perform mathematical and statistical operations on large and multidimensional datasets — datasets with many different features to be tracked simultaneously. In this section, you see exactly what is involved in using linear algebra and machine learning methods to reduce a dataset’s dimensionality — in other words, to reduce a dataset’s feature count, without losing the important information the dataset contains, by compressing its features’ information into synthetic variables that you can subsequently utilize to make predictions or as input into another machine learning model.
Decomposing data to reduce dimensionality
Okay, what can you do with all this theory? Well, for starters, using a linear algebra method called singular value decomposition (SVD), you can reduce the dimensionality of your dataset — reduce the number of features that you track when carrying out an analysis, in other words. Dimension reduction algorithms are ideal options if you need to compress your dataset while also removing redundant information and noise. In data science, SVD is applied to analyze principal components from with large, noisy, sparse data sets — an approach machine learning folks call Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Since the linear algebra involved in PCA is rooted in SVD, let’s look at how SVD works.
The SVD linear algebra method decomposes the data matrix into the three resultant matrices shown in Figure 4-4. The product of these matrices, when multiplied together, gives you back your original matrix. SVD is handy when you want to compress or clean your dataset. Using SVD enables you to uncover latent variables — inferred variables hidden within your dataset that affect how that dataset behaves. Two main ways to use the SVD algorithm include
Compressing sparse matrices: If you have a clean yet sparse dataset then, you don’t want to remove any of the information that the dataset holds, but you do need to compress that information down into a manageable number of variables, so that you can use them to make predictions. A handy thing about SVD is that it allows you to set the number of variables, or components, it creates from your original dataset. And if you don’t remove any of those components, then you will reduce the size of your dataset without losing any of its important information. This process is illustrated in Figure 4-3.
Cleaning and compressing dirty data: In other cases, you can use SVD to do an algorithmic cleanse of a dirty, noisy dataset. In this case you’d apply SVD to uncover your components, and then decide which of them to keep by looking at their variance. The industry standard is that explained variance of the components you keep should add up to at least 75 percent or more. This ensures that at least 75 percent of the dataset’s original information has been retained within the components you’ve kept. This process is illustrated in Figure 4-4.
FIGURE 4-3: Applying SVD to compress a sparse, clean dataset.
FIGURE 4-4: Applying SVD to clean and compress a sparse, dirty dataset.
Getting a little nitty-gritty about SVD, let’s look at the formula for SVD, but keep in mind — this is linear algebra not regular algebra, so we are looking at matrix math not regular math. To take it from the beginning, you need to understand the concept of eigenvector. To do that, think of a matrix called A. Now consider a nonzero vector called x and that Ax = λx for a scalar λ. In this scenario, scalar λ is what’s called an eigenvalue of matrix A. It’s permitted to take on a value of 0. Furthermore, x is the eigenvector that corresponds to λ, and again, it’s not permitted to be a zero value. λ is simply the scale factor of the eigenvector. SVD decomposes the matrix down into three resultant matrices shown in Figure 4-5. The product of these matrices, when multiplied together, gives you back your original matrix.
Take a closer look at Figure 4-5:
A = u * S * v
A: This is the matrix that holds all your original data.
u: This is a left-singular vector (an eigenvector) of A, and it holds all the important, nonredundant information about your data’s observations.