The Official (ISC)2 CISSP CBK Reference. Aaron Kraus
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СКАЧАТЬ the awareness program itself.

      There are several methods by which you can evaluate the effectiveness of your security awareness program. Some examples include the following:

       Training metrics: Simple metrics like training completion rates are a great place to start when evaluating the effectiveness of your security awareness program. These types of metrics can tell you whether your training resources are reaching a sufficient percentage of your employees and may alert you if alternate delivery methods are necessary.

       Quizzes: This is one of the most effective methods of measuring program effectiveness through knowledge retention. Quizzes are most reliable when measuring the effectiveness of security policies and related information. Analysis of quiz results should be conducted to identify trends that reveal necessary modifications to your training materials; if a substantial number of your employees get the same question wrong, it likely means you need to provide further (or clearer) information about that topic.

       Security awareness days or weeks: By sponsoring security awareness days or weeks, you not only have an opportunity to provide security education, but you can also use this as an opportunity to solicit feedback from your employees on the program itself. You can provide attendees with anonymous questionnaires that allow them to express their opinion about the current program and propose new ideas on content delivery.

       Inherent evaluation: As previously stated, you can also measure the effectiveness of your awareness program by evaluating your organization's overall security posture. Certain metrics, such as the number of phishing emails and other security issues reported to IT, can provide a great deal of insight into the effectiveness of your program. As your company's employees are increasingly educated on security risks, you should start to see the number of self-reported security issues rise. It's better to see a rise in reported suspected issues than a rise in successful compromises.

      The breadth of information security demands that security professionals possess a wide range of knowledge and skills. You must fully grasp concepts such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and understand how to develop, document, and implement security policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines that enforce these concepts. Good security practices must be aligned with an organization's business objectives, strategy, and goals. As a security professional, it's important that you fully understand these business concepts and grasp how you can apply security governance principles to help your organization achieve its mission.

      Risk management is at the heart of information security, and every security program should strive to be based on risk management concepts. Identifying threats and vulnerabilities and evaluating security risks is the key to identifying the right security controls to implement in your environment. Controls should be continuously monitored for their effectiveness at reducing risk, and your organization should maintain a program to regularly measure and report on the company's risk posture. There are several industry-standard risk frameworks available to guide your development and management of a risk-based security program.

      Legal, regulatory, and compliance requirements play a big role in security. An important component of the CISSP CBK revolves around understanding such laws and other requirements that impact your organization, based on jurisdiction, industry, or other factors.

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