Как России победить Америку?. Андрей Маркин
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      Wood K.M. Iraqi perspectives project: A view of operation Iraqi freedom from Saddam’s senior leadership. P. 125, 126, 128, 129.


      Wood K.M. Iraqi perspectives project Phase II, Um Al-Ma’arik (Mother of all battles) // Operational and Strategic Insights from an Iraqi Perspective. Vol. (Revised May 2008). P. 270, 279.


      Bolger D.P. Death ground – today’s American infantry in battle. N. Y. : Ballantine books, 2003. P. 91—95.


      Clancy T., Franks F. Jr. (Ret., General). Into the storm – a study in command. N. Y. : G.P.Putnam’s Sons, 1997. P. 5, 6, 570.


      Ibid. P. 107.


      http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/invasion/interviews/perkins.html; Iraqis underestimating U.S. ability in urban warfare


      Wood K.M. Iraqi perspectives project… P. 43, 47, 77.


      http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/gulf/script_b.html : FRONTLINE Show #1408T ; Air Date: February 4, 1997.


      Clancy T., Franks F. Jr. (Ret., General). Op. cit. P. 387.


      Murray D.L., Horton Ms. Desert storm : monograph, 1LT. http://www.3ad.org/desertstorm/hist_summaries/history_unit_ds_5_5cav.pdf; Captain Steven G. Wyman, Task Force 5-5 Cavalry, 3d Armored Division.


      Biddle S. Victory Misunderstood: What Gulf war tells us about the future of conflict // International Security. Vol. 21. No.2 (Fall 1996). www.comw.org/rma/fulltext/victory.html


      Biddle S. Op. cit.


      Clancy T., Franks F. Jr. (Ret., General). Op. cit. P. 357.


      Ibid. P. 388.


      Biddle S. Op. cit.; Ripley T. Tank warfare // Compendium. 2003. P. 134.


      The Taking of Saddam International Airport, Lt.col. Ernest “Rock” Marcone. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/invasion/interviews/marcone.html




      Captain Steven G. Wyman, Task Force 5-5 Cavalry, 3d Armored Division. http://www.3ad.org/desertstorm/hist_summaries/history_unit_ds_5_5cav.pdf


      Murray D.L., Horton Ms. Op. cit.


      Press D.G. Lessons from ground combat in the Gulf: the impact of training and technology // Desert Storm; Leesburg, Virginia: Empire press, 1991. P. 145—146.


      Scales R.H. Certain victory: the US Army in the Gulf War. P. 235. http://cgsc.leavenworth.army.mil/carl/resources/csi/content.asp#cert; www.gsc.edu/carl/download/csipubs/CertainVictory.pdf; Clancy T., Franks F. Op. cit. P. 421, 422.


      Hughes Ch.P. (Colonel). War on two fronts: an infantry commander’s war in Iraq an the Pentagon. Philadelphia : Casemate, 2007. P. 63—73, 89—91.


      Naylor S.D. Battle of Debecka Pass, How 31 Special Forces troops outgunned and outmaneuvered an overwhelming enemy force. www.paratrooper.net/commo/Topic12307-24-1.aspx, http://archive.is/2Tu8Y


      Biddle S. Op. cit.


      From the S&S archives: The Battle of the 73 Easting, By Vince Crawley, Middle East Bureau From the Stars and Stripes 1991 Desert Storm commemorative edition. http://www.stripes.com/article.asp?section=104&article=15295&archive=true




      Ripley T. Op. cit. P. 134.


      Ibid. P. 131.


      Sgt. John Scaglione, 1st Armored Division, Frontline Show #1408T, Air Date: February 4, 1997. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/gulf/script_b.html


      Merritt D.A., LTC. The iron duke world tour : a personal experience monograph. US Army war college, 1994. P. 61, 62.
