Achieving Prosperity - Ultimate Collection. Thorstein Veblen
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Название: Achieving Prosperity - Ultimate Collection

Автор: Thorstein Veblen

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 4064066500115


СКАЧАТЬ these things are good, but a little reflection will show anyone that they are not the prime factors in the production of the quality known as "Personal Magnetism." The writers on the subject usually conclude by telling their readers of the wonderful possibilities open to anyone who can acquire this power and learn how to use it. They, however, say little or nothing of how this force may be acquired, that is beyond stating their theories. They deliver discourses - but do not instruct.

      They are preachers - not teachers. They dwell upon theories - and neglect facts.

      The real progress in this branch of scientific research has been made, not by writers or theorists, but by a few earnest investigators who have conducted numberless experiments, and have explored every avenue of information, and who have brought this wonderful subject out of the realms of mere speculation and placed it upon a scientific basis.

      The writer has been a close student and investigator of this subject for many years, and the present work is an attempt to give to his students some of the fundamental principles derived from the investigations and practical experiments of himself and his co-workers in this field. Our lessons, therefore, will be confined, so far as is possible, to statements of proven facts, and practical instruction, touching upon theory only when absolutely necessary.

      In my opinion, I would insult your intelligence if I were to present to you an elaborate argument, the purpose of which would be an attempt to prove the existence of that wonderful force, latent in man, developed by the few, but possible of acquirement by all; that mysterious quality called, for want of a better name - Personal Magnetism.

      To set out to prove its existence, would be akin to an attempt to convince the average intelligent man of the fact that the magnet influences the needle; that the X-rays penetrate the body of man or still more solid object; that a message be conveyed by electricity, along a beam of light, or even by wireless telegraphy, through the air without the need of any other medium. Every intelligent person is aware of the existence of the above-mentioned phenomena, and does not need to have the same demonstrated to him. If he is interested in the subject at all, he wishes to be taught how to permeate these forces, so that he may be able to reproduce the experiments himself. This is equally true of the student of Personal Magnetism. He has long since learned that such a force exists. He sees it around him everyday, and knows of the wonders that are accomplished by its aid. He, possibly, is aware that he has developed the force to a certain degree, and what he wants, in any event, is to become acquainted with the means whereby he can fully develop and intelligently use the force latent within him. I therefore shall make no attempt to demonstrate the existence of the force, believing it to be self-evident.

      I also intend to avoid a tiresome discussion of the numerous theories, which have been advanced to account for the phenomenon theories, which have been advanced to account for the phenomenon of Personal Magnetism. I have no pet theory to advance. I will endeavor to teach you how to obtain results, and you can then read up on the subject of theories, or possibly formulate a new theory of your own. I will state briefly my own conception of the cause underlying the phenomena alluded to in this work, but I shall not attempt to force my views upon you. You are at liberty to accept or reject any theory, as the result in no way depends upon any special form of belief. Many of those who have obtained the best results, have discarded one theory after another, and now say that they do not attempt to explain the real cause underlying the results, being content to work on, without a dogmatic theory, so long as they know how to obtain the results. With this explanation, I will leave the land of theory and enter into the realm of practice, and will endeavor to so instruct you along the lines of the development and use of this mighty force, that you may reproduce the results already obtained by others, and perhaps may become investigators and leaders in the work of blazing the way through the woods of superstition and mystery with which the subject has been surrounded so long. I will ask you to accept nothing that you cannot prove.

      The Nature of the Force

       Table of Content

      The force not magnetic in its nature - Subtle current of thought waves - Thoughts are things - Our thoughts affect ourselves as well as others - Change of appearance following change of occupation - Thought the greatest force in the world - "I can and I will" vs. "I can't" - Practical instruction not transcendental discourse - The adductive power of thought - Fear thought the root of injurious thinking.

      To the minds of most people, the term Personal Magnetism conveys the idea of a current radiating from the person of the magnetic individual, drawing to him all those within the radius of his magnetic force. This idea, whilst on the whole erroneous, still contains within it the germ of the real truth. There is a current of attracting force radiating from man, but it is not a magnetic force in so far as the term "magnetism" implies some connection with the lodestone or electricity. The human magnetic current, whilst bearing some resemblance to these two familiar forces in its effects, has no real connection with them so far as is concerned its origin or intrinsic nature.

      That which we call Personal Magnetism is the subtle current of thought-waves, or thought- vibrations, projected from the human mind. Every thought created by our minds is a force of greater or lesser intensity, varying in strength according to the impetus imparted to it at the time of its creation. When we think, we send from us a subtle current, which tables along like a ray often far removed from us by space, a forceful thought will go on its errand charged with a mighty power, and will often bear down the instinctive resistance of the minds of others to outside impressions, whilst a weak thought will be unable to obtain an entrance Trance to the mental castle of another, unless that castle be but poorly guarded. Repeated thoughts along the same lines sent one after the other, will- often effect - an entrance where a single thought-wave, although much stronger, will be repulsed. It is an exhibition of a physical law in the Psychical world, and exemplifies the old saying about steady dripping wearing away a stone.

      We are all influenced much more than we are aware by the thoughts of others. I do not mean by their opinions but by their thoughts. A great writer on this subject very truly says: "thoughts are things." They are things, and most powerful things at that. Unless we understand this fact, we are at the mercy of a mighty force, of whose nature we know nothing, and whose very existence many of us deny. On the other hand, if we understand the nature and laws governing this wonderful force, we can master it and render it our instrument and assistant. Every thought created by us, weak or strong, good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, sends out its vibratory waves, which affect, to a greater or lesser extent all with whom we come in contact, or who may come within the radius of our thought vibrations. Thought waves are like the ripples on a pond caused by the casting in of a pebble, they move in constantly widening circles, radiating from a central point. Of course, if an impulse projects the thought waves forcibly toward a certain object, its force will be felt more strongly at that point.

      Besides affecting others, our thoughts affect us, not only temporarily, but also permanently. We are what we think ourselves into being. The biblical statement that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," is literally correct. We are all creatures of our own mental creating. You know how easy it is to think yourself into a "blue" state of mind, or the reverse, but you do not realized that repeated thought upon a certain line will manifest itself not only in character (which it certainly does), but also in the physical appearance of the thinker. This is a demonstrable fact, and you have but to look around you to realize it. You have noticed how a man's occupation shows itself in his appearance and general character. What do you suppose occasions this phenomenon? Nothing more or less than that thought. If you’ve have changed your occupation, your general character and appearance kept pace with your changed habits of thought. Your new occupation brought out a new train of thought, and "Thoughts take form in Action." You may have never taken this view of the matter, but it is true nevertheless, and you may find ample proof of its correctness by merely looking around you.