Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands (Vol.1&2). Harriet Beecher Stowe
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Название: Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands (Vol.1&2)

Автор: Harriet Beecher Stowe

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях


isbn: 4064066498474


СКАЧАТЬ all over Edinburgh, up to the castle, to the university, to Holyrood, to the hospitals, and through many of the principal streets, amid shouts, and smiles, and greetings. Some boys amused me very much by their pertinacious attempts to keep up with the carriage.

      "Heck," says one of them, "that's her; see the courls."

      The various engravers, who have amused themselves by diversifying my face for the public, having all, with great unanimity, agreed in giving prominence to this point, I suppose the urchins thought they were on safe ground there. I certainly think I answered one good purpose that day, and that is, of giving the much oppressed and calumniated class, called boys, an opportunity to develop all the noise that was in them—a thing for which I think they must bless me in their remembrances.

      At last the carriage drove into a deep gravelled yard, and we alighted at a porch covered with green ivy, and found ourselves once more at home.

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