The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso (3 Classic Unabridged Translations in one eBook: Cary's + Longfellow's + Norton's Translation + Original Illustrations by Gustave Doré). Dante Alighieri
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СКАЧАТЬ And their fond pleasures had not dyed it dark

       As Pyramus the mulberry, thou hadst seen,

       In such momentous circumstance alone,

       God's equal justice morally implied

       In the forbidden tree. But since I mark thee

       In understanding harden'd into stone,

       And, to that hardness, spotted too and stain'd,

       So that thine eye is dazzled at my word,

       I will, that, if not written, yet at least

       Painted thou take it in thee, for the cause,

       That one brings home his staff inwreath'd with palm.

       I thus: "As wax by seal, that changeth not

       Its impress, now is stamp'd my brain by thee.

       But wherefore soars thy wish'd-for speech so high

       Beyond my sight, that loses it the more,

       The more it strains to reach it?"—"To the end

       That thou mayst know," she answer'd straight, "the school,

       That thou hast follow'd; and how far behind,

       When following my discourse, its learning halts:

       And mayst behold your art, from the divine

       As distant, as the disagreement is

       'Twixt earth and heaven's most high and rapturous orb."

       "I not remember," I replied, "that e'er

       I was estrang'd from thee, nor for such fault

       Doth conscience chide me." Smiling she return'd:

       "If thou canst, not remember, call to mind

       How lately thou hast drunk of Lethe's wave;

       And, sure as smoke doth indicate a flame,

       In that forgetfulness itself conclude

       Blame from thy alienated will incurr'd.

       From henceforth verily my words shall be

       As naked as will suit them to appear

       In thy unpractis'd view." More sparkling now,

       And with retarded course the sun possess'd

       The circle of mid-day, that varies still

       As th' aspect varies of each several clime,

       When, as one, sent in vaward of a troop

       For escort, pauses, if perchance he spy

       Vestige of somewhat strange and rare: so paus'd

       The sev'nfold band, arriving at the verge

       Of a dun umbrage hoar, such as is seen,

       Beneath green leaves and gloomy branches, oft

       To overbrow a bleak and alpine cliff.

       And, where they stood, before them, as it seem'd,

       Tigris and Euphrates both beheld,

       Forth from one fountain issue; and, like friends,

       Linger at parting. "O enlight'ning beam!

       O glory of our kind! beseech thee say

       What water this, which from one source deriv'd

       Itself removes to distance from itself?"

       To such entreaty answer thus was made:

       "Entreat Matilda, that she teach thee this."

       And here, as one, who clears himself of blame

       Imputed, the fair dame return'd: "Of me

       He this and more hath learnt; and I am safe

       That Lethe's water hath not hid it from him."

       And Beatrice: "Some more pressing care

       That oft the memory 'reeves, perchance hath made

       His mind's eye dark. But lo! where Eunoe cows!

       Lead thither; and, as thou art wont, revive

       His fainting virtue." As a courteous spirit,

       That proffers no excuses, but as soon

       As he hath token of another's will,

       Makes it his own; when she had ta'en me, thus

       The lovely maiden mov'd her on, and call'd

       To Statius with an air most lady-like:

       "Come thou with him." Were further space allow'd,

       Then, Reader, might I sing, though but in part,

       That beverage, with whose sweetness I had ne'er

       Been sated. But, since all the leaves are full,

       Appointed for this second strain, mine art

       With warning bridle checks me. I return'd

       From the most holy wave, regenerate,

       If 'en as new plants renew'd with foliage new,

       Pure and made apt for mounting to the stars.

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      H. F. CARY, M.A.

       Table of Contents

       CANTO I

       CANTO II

       CANTO III
