The End of Illusions. Andreas Reckwitz
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Название: The End of Illusions

Автор: Andreas Reckwitz

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9781509545711


СКАЧАТЬ Solutions, Fakenham, Norfolk NR21 8NL

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      2.1 The social structure of West Germany in 1965. Ralf Dahrendorf’s ‘house model’ was originally published in Dahrendorf, Gesellschaft und Demokratie (Munich: R. Piper & Co., 1965, p. 516)

      2.2 Percentage of the US population older than 25 who completed high school or college (by age group, 1940–2015). © United States Census Bureau

      2.3 The three-class structure of late-modern society

      2.4 Socio-cultural milieus according to the SINUS studies and their “translation” into the three-class model (pertaining to Germany in 2018). Published by the Sinus-Institut (

      3.1 The development of employment and GDP in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1950–2017

      3.2 Technological revolutions since 1770 (a graph based on the work of Carlota Perez)

      3.3 The percentage change in employment share by job quality decile in OECD countries, 1979–1999. From Maarten Goos and Alan Manning, “Lousy and Lovely Jobs: The Rising Polarization of Work in Britain,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 89:1 (February, 2007), pp. 118–33

      3.4 The development of investment in tangible and intangible capital relative to GDP in Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Great Britain, 1998–2013. From Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake, Capitalism Without Capital (Princeton University Press, 2018). © Princeton University Press

      3.5 The pyramid of goods

      5.1 The left–right distinction and political paradigms

      5.2 Political paradigms and social problems since 1945

      It’s a strange thing. Some events that are retrospectively considered epoch-changing are perceived as merely marginal when they occur, whereas, in the case of others, one can remember precisely – even years later – the moment when “it happened,” and also one’s own feelings of bafflement, helplessness, fear, or incredulous joy in response to something seemingly impossible taking place.

      Just as I still have vivid memories of “my” November 9, 1989 (the day the Berlin Wall came down) and “my” September 11, 2001 (the day of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center), the morning of November 9, 2016 is still present in my mind. Like many other people around the world, I felt a growing sense of unease during the months leading up to the American presidential election, which featured the surprising nomination of Donald Trump as the candidate for the Republican Party and his ugly, brutal campaign against Hillary Clinton, the candidate for the Democrats. On that morning, I checked the news on my tablet and was forced to accept that something had happened which, until the very last moment, I had been loath to admit as a real possibility: the populist candidate, who had made the headlines mostly because of his misogynistic and xenophobic demagoguery and his deep distrust of international cooperation and democratic institutions, and who seemed utterly unpredictable, had just been elected as the 45th President of the United States, thereby becoming the commander-in-chief of the leading Western nation.1 My reaction on that morning, and even weeks later, was one of horror. I had the feeling that things could fall apart, without knowing where this might lead: How was this possible, and how would things now proceed? It felt like a historical rupture.

      Why do these events make people feel so unsettled? The answer may be painful. We no longer perceive these events as individual incidents that would allow us swiftly to return to our daily routines. Rather, a clear pattern has emerged: the hopeful expectations about the development of society, which many people in Western countries had harbored since the end of the Cold War in 1989/90, have been fundamentally disappointed, or at least relativized. Today, these expectations have been revealed to be illusions, and the result of this is disillusionment. This is true not only in Germany but, rather, in all Western societies, and in many respects it is even the case for global society. After 1990, the general tendency in the media, in politics, in business, and even in large swaths of intellectual debate was to weave a grand narrative of progress: of economic, political, social, cultural, and technological advancement. Borrowing from Hegel and Alexandre Kojève, the American political scientist Francis Fukuyama encapsulated this narrative with his concept of the “end of history.” It seemed as though we had come to the home stretch of world history and had achieved a condition in which the institutional orders of politics and economics had taken on a form that no longer needed to be changed – or even one that was impossible to change.2 From today’s perspective, this narrative seems rather naïve.