Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо. Бхагаван Шри Раджниш (Ошо)
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СКАЧАТЬ that for us

      so is it not right that we learn to live?

      And the miracle is

      that death does not call

      on the one who learns how to live –

      and this alone is needed.

      Doesn’t the gardener silently wait after sowing the seed?

      Whenever you need me you will find me beside you.

      Regards to all there.

      145. Love.

      Atheism is the first step towards theism,

      and a must.

      If you haven’t been through the fire of atheism

      you’ll never know the light of theism.

      If you haven’t the true strength to say No

      your Yes will always be impotent.

      So I am glad you are an atheist –

      something that can be said only by a theist.

      So I say: Go deeper into atheism.

      Superficiality won’t do,

      so don’t just think atheism, live it –

      and it will ultimately lead you to God.

      Atheism isn’t it,

      it is just a doubting.

      Doubt is good but it isn’t it.

      Actually, doubt is a search for trust.

      So go on, make your journey,

      for the path to truth starts with this doubt.

      Doubt is sadhana

      because doubt eventually exposes the incontestable truth.

      Inside the seed of doubt is the tree of trust,

      so if you plant the seed of questioning

      and work on it

      you are bound to harvest trust.

      And beware all religions!

      Only religions obstruct the true path of religion.

      146. Love.

      Dreams too are true

      because what we call truth is only a dream –

      it is just the difference between open and closed eyes.

      Understand this fully

      and then one can go beyond both,

      and the way lies beyond both.

      Both are the seen and beyond both is the seer.

      147. Love.

      Not only is a seed a seed,

      man is also a seed.

      Not only seeds bloom,

      man also blooms.

      Not only seeds blossom into flowers.

      148. Love.

      How can the search begin unless there is doubt?

      How will the heart awaken to know the truth

      unless there is doubt?

      Remember – belief and faith bind man,

      doubt liberates him.

      149. Love.

      I was glad to receive your letter.

      Make love your prayer now.

      Love alone is worship, is God.

      Let there be love with every breath –

      this is your only sadhana.

      Sitting, rising, sleeping, waking

      just remember: love.

      Then you will see that his temple is not far off.

      150. Love.

      God is testing you every moment.

      Laugh and take the test –

      it is beautiful that he considers you worth testing!

      But don’t be in a hurry

      for the more you hurry the more some goals recede,

      and without doubt the temple of God is a goal like that.

      He who travels with patience travels fastest on this journey.

      The mind will roam again and again –

      that is its way;

      the day its roaming stops it will be dead.

      Sometimes it sleeps –

      do not mistake this for death.

      Sometimes it gets tired –

      don’t mistake this for death either.

      Some rest and sleep and it is strong and alive again.

      So stop bothering about it altogether

      for even this worry gives it strength.

      Surrender even this to God.

      Say to him: Whatever it’s like, good or bad,

      take care of it.

      And then just be a witness,

      simply watch the whole play.

      Watch the play of the mind with detachment

      and then suddenly –

      there is the consciousness which is no-mind.

      151. Love.

      God is far off because we don’t know

      how to see him close by.

      Actually there is nothing closer than him.

      More than that – he is the here and now.

      The name God is just for those

      who can’t find the here and now.

      Words, СКАЧАТЬ