Minding the Machines. Jeremy Adamson
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Название: Minding the Machines

Автор: Jeremy Adamson

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Базы данных


isbn: 9781119785330



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      Building and Leading Data Science and Analytics Teams

       Jeremy Adamson

      Data. There was a time when this word made reference to a Star Trek character or something professionals in the IT department who worked on databases would manage. Today data, data science, data engineering, data analysts, or any term including the use of data is pervasive across business, industries, and society. The use of the term data has practically become everyday vernacular in business; it seems to be the holy grail solution to everything. However, most organizations are still in the very early stages of their journey.

      The need for knowledge in Data Science & Analytics, Algorithms & Artificial Intelligence is becoming evident in the sheer volume of online courses, degrees, and certifications available on EDx, Coursera, Udacity, and other online education providers. Top-ranked universities across Canada have introduced graduate degrees in data science and analytics. Two of the most prestigious universities in the world, the University of California, Berkeley, СКАЧАТЬ