Quick Flora Mallorca. Horst Mehlhorn
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Название: Quick Flora Mallorca

Автор: Horst Mehlhorn

Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH

Жанр: Отраслевые издания


isbn: 9783347289574


СКАЧАТЬ margin toothedDianthus rupicola*4B-Petal margin entire5A-Sepals > petalsAgrostemma githago (p. 46)5B-Styles and stigma of the flower hairySilene cambessedesii*5C-Flowers different6A-Flowers with 2 styles7A-Stem without hairs8A-Flowers 6-8 mmGypsophila pilosa8B-Flowers 8-16 mmVaccaria hispanica (p. 24)8C-Flowers > 16 mmSaponaria officinalis (199)7B-Stem with hairs8A-Leaf sheath < 2x as long as widePetrorhagia nanteuilii8B-Leaf sheath much longerPetrorhagia dubia6B-Flowers with 3-5 styles7A-Calyx of the flower < 13 mm8A-Petals entire9A-Calyx < 3 mmSilene gallica9B-Calyx 11-14 mmSilene tridentata8B-Petals lobed9A-Calyx not narrowedSilene rubella9B-Calyx opening contractedSilene cerastoides8C-Petals deeply divided9A-Flowers solitarySilene colorata9B-Flowers in groups of 2-8Silene nicaeensis7B-Calyx of the flower > 13 mm8A-Flowers in groups of 1-39A-Stem with glandular hairsSilene almolae9B-Stem without glandular hairsSilene sericea8B-Flowers in groups of > 39A-Plants without hairsSilene muscipula9B-Plants (almost) hairlessSilene secundiflora9C-Plants with hairs10A-Petals entireSilene pseudatocion*10B-Petals of the flower divided11A-Plants woody belowSilene hifacensis*11B-Plants not woody belowSilene bellidifolia3B-Sepals of the flower separated4A-Petals of the flower fused5A-Basal leaves in a rosette6A-Flowers salmon-colouredCentaurium bianoris *6B-Flowers violetCentaurium erythraea (30)5B-Basal leaves not in a rosette6A-Flowers 5-9 mmCentaurium pulchellum6B-Flowers bigger7A-Stems only branched aboveCentaurium tenuiflorum7B-Stems branched from the middleCentaurium spicatum4B-Petals of the flower separated5A-Shrub6A-Plants with hairs/flowers 40-60 mmCistus albidus (p. 30)6B-Plants without hairs/flowers smallCoriaria myrtifolia5B-Herb6A-Leaves without stipules7A-Flowers with 10 stamensRhodalsine geniculata7B-Flowers with 6 stamens8A-Flowers terminalFrankenia hirsuta8B-Flowers differentFrankenia laevis (6)7C-Flowers with 4-5 stamens8A-Basal leaves not in a rosette9A-Flowers 5-9 mmCentaurium pulchellum9B-Flowers bigger10A-Stems branchedCentaurium spicatum10B-Stems only branched aboveCentaurium tenuiflorum8B-Basal leaves in a rosette9A-Flowers salmon-colouredCentaurium bianoris *9B-Flowers violetCentaurium erythraea (30)6B-Leaves with stipules7A-Petals > sepals8A-Plants woody below9A-Seeds wingedSpergularia media (18)9B-Seeds not wingedSpergularia fimbriata8B-Plants not woody belowSpergularia diandra6B-Petals < sepals7A-Stipules forming a sheathSpergularia marina7B-Stipules triangularSpergularia bocconei7C-Stipules cordateSpergularia heldreichii

      Agrostemma githago Corn Cockle (Caryophyllaceae) Grey hairy annual/leaves linearlanceolate/flowers 3-5 cm/5 styles/fields-road sides/May

      Anagallis tenella Bog Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Hairless annual/stem 4-angled/leaves rounded/flowers 6-10 mm/marshland/Apr-Sep

      Centaurium bianoris* (Gentiananceae) Annual/leaves sessile/flowers 11-18 mm/ calcareous fields/Apr-June

      Centaurium erythraea Common Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/lower leaves obovate, stem leaves oblong to narrowly ovate/flowers 9-15 mm/fields-rocky coastlinesgarigues-pine forest-macchia-marshland/Apr-Aug

      Centaurium pulchellum Lesser Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual without basal leaf rosette/stem with multiple branches/leaves ovate-lanceolate/flowers 5-9 mm/fieldsrocky coastlines-beaches/Apr-May

      Centaurium spicatum Spiked Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/leaves ovate below, upper leaves elliptical/flowers 12-14 mm/June-Oct

      Centaurium tenuiflorum Slender Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/leaves broadly ovate below, elliptical-oblong above/flower 12-14 mm/fields-marshland-beaches/Apr-May

      Cistus albidus Grey-leaved Cistus (Cistaceae) Grey shrub/hairy/leaves ovate to elliptical/ flowers 4-6 cm/flower stalk 5-20 mm/many stamens/garigues-pine forest/Apr-June

      Cistus creticus (Cistaceae) Shrub/hairy/leaves ovate-lanceolate/flowers 4-6 cm/gariguespine forest-beaches/Apr-June

      Coriaria myrtifolia Mediterranean Coriaria (Coriariaceae) Shrub/stem 4-angled/leaves acutely-obovate/flowers 2-5 cm/marshland/Apr-July

      Dianthus rupicola* (Caryophyllaceae) Shrub/leaves 3-5 mm wide/petal margin toothed/ petals 10-15 mm/rock crevices/July-Sep

      Frankenia hirsuta (Frankeniaceae) Plant with terminal flowers/leaves rolled in/petals 4-6 mm/rocky coastlines/Apr-May

      Frankenia laevis Sea-heath (Frankeniaceae) Plant with whorled leaves/petals 4-6 mm/ rocky coastlines/Apr-May

      Gypsophila pilosa Gypsophila (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves oblong to lanceolate/ flowers 6-8 mm/petals lobed/2 styles or stigmas/calyx with papery connections

      Lythrum portula Water Purslane (Lythraceae) Annual/leaves obovate/flowers 1-2 mm/ Menorca

      Mirabilis СКАЧАТЬ