Parakeets For Dummies. Nikki Moustaki
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Название: Parakeets For Dummies

Автор: Nikki Moustaki

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Биология


isbn: 9781119755302



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      Many people remember having a parakeet when they were a kid, and many kids (and plenty of adults!) today either have one, want one, or will receive one as a gift. As a companion, the parakeet has it all. It’s little enough for even the smallest apartment, is as affectionate as any lapdog, and can out talk even the largest of parrots. What more could you ask for?

      Parakeets For Dummies is for people interested in parakeets — whether you want to know more about parakeets before you acquire one, you have recently brought a parakeet (or two) into your home, you’re a parent buying this book your child, or you’re a young person buying it for yourself. Maybe you want to discover the essential scoop on getting your new bird set up properly, as well as general care information. Perhaps you simply need a refresher on the best way to take care of your feathered companion or want to understand it better and start some advanced training. Perhaps you’re ready for a new bird but aren’t sure if a parakeet is right for you and your family. If any of the above describes you, then you’ve come to the right place.

      As you read, keep an eye out for text in italics, which indicates a new term and a nearby definition — no need to spend time hunting through a glossary. And monofont points out Web addresses for additional information worth checking out. You’ll also run into a few sidebars (the occasional gray box); although the information in the sidebars is good, it’s not essential to the discussion at hand, so skip ’em if you want to.

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