Название: The Skull of Quadruped and Bipedal Vertebrates
Автор: Djillali Hadjouis
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр: Биология
isbn: 9781119832546
232 241
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Comparative Anatomy and Posture of Animal and Human Set
coordinated by
Djillali Hadjouis
Volume 2
The Skull of Quadruped and Bipedal Vertebrates
Variations, Abnormalities and Joint Pathologies
Djillali Hadjouis
First published 2021 in Great Britain and the United States by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2021931631
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
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ISBN 978-1-78630-607-4
One day I will go to live in Theory, because in Theory everything is successful.
Pierre Desproges
(1939–1988, author’s translation)
If man cannot interpret in the future, and this is one of the hardest tests ofhis destiny, he can try to interpret in the past.
Albert Gaudry
(1827–1908, author’s translation)
I.1. A series for the comparative anatomy of Mammals
Over the past 40 years, hundreds of thousands of human and animal vertebrate bones have passed through our hands. Skulls, horn cores, dentures, spines and limb bones, mainly from Plio-Pleistocene and Quaternary Mammals from North Africa, Switzerland and France, have been studied, compared, inventoried and classified. The same is true for human remains, but the interest focused on three chronocultural periods (the Upper Paleolithic, Neolithic and Middle Ages), two geographical regions (the Maghreb and the Paris Basin) with the support of two specialties (paleo-anthropology or bioanthropology and paleopathology), which have become inseparable for me because they are indispensable. The postural analysis that followed on Quaternary Mammals according to an architectural conception was beneficial later, when studies on the craniofacial postural dynamics of the genus Homo took over, according to the same concept but based on a standing posture. The upright position of the human body has changed centers of gravity and the distribution of gravitational forces is no longer balanced as was the case with quadrupeds. Today, arthrosis, arthritis, lower back pain, lumbosacral hinge anomalies and joint malformations are experienced daily by bipeds. It is in this spirit that this work was carried out, taking into account the evolution of the organizational plans of Mammals, their adaptation to the ground, the adequacy of the head posture in relation to different diets, dental articulations according to the fossil species of the genus Homo and the influence of an anomaly or a craniofacial pathology on not only the occlusion, but also on the infracranial regions.
The book Atlas des maladies et traumatismes du monde médiéval et moderne : Ve siècle-XVIIe siècle, published in French by ISTE Editions in 2018, was perhaps the trigger for the new set of books I am directing. Part of the “Biology” collection, entitled “Comparative Anatomy and Posture of Animals and Humans”, the set brings together works dealing with all anatomical regions, either the holistic concept, integrating the architectural ensemble of the quadruped or bipedal vertebrate body and its postures, or a particular region (skull, teeth, limbs, spine, pelvis, etc.), or a particular joint (occipito-cervical hinge, shoulder joint, hip joint, knee joint, etc.).
The first book published in this series (June 2020) is by Dr. Cyrille Cazeau and is entitled Foot Surgery Viewed Through the Prism of Comparative Anatomy: From Normal to Useful. In addition to these, other works are to follow.
I.2. Introduction to the craniofacial and dental taxonomic terminology of vertebrates and dimorphism
The skull of Vertebrates and in particular that of Mammals envelops the encephalon while protecting it, while the face is made up of two articulated jaws. One, welded to the skull and immobile, is called the maxilla, and the other, the mandible, articulated to the skull through the temporo-mandibular joint, is mobile in order to produce all the necessary mechanical and dynamic movements (mastication, grip). Two fundamental developmental processes are to be considered in the formation of the skull. The ossification of these two ontogenic processes relies on the chondrocranium and desmocranium. In the first, ossification is achieved by a substitution process (enchondral ossification); in the second, membrane bones develop directly in the connective tissue (chondral ossification). The latter make up the majority of the bony scales of the cerebral skull and facial skull, while the bones formed from a cartilaginous outline are those located at the basi-cranial level (occipital, sphenoid, temporal with the petrous bone, ethmoid, hyoid bone (Kahle et al. 1980)). It will be seen later that in cranial malformations causing asymmetries, spheno-occipital synchondrosis (SOS) will be at the center of any ontogenic interpretation of an imbalance of this type, since its disjunction will be the cause or effect of the problem.