Biogeography in the Sub-Arctic. Группа авторов
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Название: Biogeography in the Sub-Arctic

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: География


isbn: 9781118561355


СКАЧАТЬ serious discussion of the Atlantic opening was possible before adoption of the plate tectonic theory some 50 years ago. Since then studies have demonstrated that sea‐floor spreading has not been simple and that the concept of a mantle plume appears critical to its understanding. Opening of the ocean was a continuation of earlier continental rifting brought about by extension. The close proximity of much of the igneous activity and rifting ‘to the old orogenic sutures and/or fronts suggests that lithospheric control was an important factor in the embryonic stages of magmatism and rifting’ (Hansen et al. 2009).

      The author is very grateful to J.G. Fitton, R. Meyer and B. Lovell for help in improving the manuscript.

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