Lincoln Day Entertainments. Various
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Название: Lincoln Day Entertainments

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066126261


СКАЧАТЬ And not restored them to their nest."

       Wonderful heart; ever tender—

       Tender, yet just, with the rest. I think among all the stories, This shows his true nature the best.


      Sidney Dayre

      MY GRANDPA was a soldier. They tell about the day

       He said his very last good-by and bravely marched away,

       With flying flags and bayonets all gleaming in the sun.

       They never saw him march back when all the war was done.

       They brought him here and laid him where I can always bring

       The very brightest flowers that blossom in the spring;

       But sweeter far than flowers, as every one can tell,

       Is the memory of the soldiers who loved their country well.

       I wish I could be like him—to try with all my might

       And do my loyal service for honor and for right

       And victory and glory! But children now, you know,

       Have never any chance at all to war against a foe.

       And as I think upon it, the best that we can do

       To show our love and honor for a hero brave and true,

       Is to resolve together always to be brave,

       To live our very noblest in the land he died to save.


      Susie M. Best

      'MID the names that fate has written

       On the deathless scroll of fame,

       We behold the name of Lincoln,

       Shining like a living flame.

       'Mid the deeds the world remembers,

       (Deeds by dauntless heroes done),

       We behold the deeds of Lincoln,

       Blazing like a brilliant sun.

       'Mid the lives whose light illumines

       History's dark and dreadful page,

       We behold the life of Lincoln,

       Lighting up an awful age.

       When the storm of peril threatened

       His loved land to overwhelm,

       Safe the ship of state he guided,

       With his hand upon the helm.

       Statesman, ruler, hero, martyr—

       Fitting names for him, I say,

       Wherefore, let us all as brothers,

       Love his memory today.

      'TIS splendid to live so grandly

       That, long after you are gone,

       The things you did are remembered,

       And recounted under the sun;

       To live so bravely and purely

       That a nation stops on its way,

       And once a year, with banner and drum,

       Keeps the thoughts of your natal day.

       'Tis splendid to have a record,

       So white and free from stain,

       That, held to the light, it shows no blot,

       Though tested and tried again;

       That age to age forever

       Repeats its story of love,

       And your birthday lives in a nation's heart

       All other days above.

       And this is our Lincoln's glory,

       A steadfast soul and true,

       Who stood for his country's union,

       When his country called him to.

       And now that we once more are one,

       And our flag of stars is flung

       To the breeze in defiant challenge,

       His name is on every tongue.

       Yes, it's splendid to live so bravely,

       To be so great and strong,

       That your memory is ever a tocsin

       To rally the foes of the wrong;

       To live so proudly and purely

       That your people pause in their way,

       And year by year, with banner and drum,

       Keep the thoughts of your natal day.


       Clara J. Denton

      WE HAVE read the stories glowing,

       Found in annals of old,

       Of mighty conquerers marching,

       With cohorts strong and bold:

       We see the proud monarch, riding

       In grand and lofty state,

       We hear the clamor, extolling

       His skill and prowess great.

       But, grander by far the vision

       Modern annals unclose:

       Through the burning streets of Richmond

       Walks Lincoln 'mong his foes.

       Though no pride of state surrounds him,
