The Beautiful & Damned (Musaicum Must Classics). F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Название: The Beautiful & Damned (Musaicum Must Classics)

Автор: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066389598


СКАЧАТЬ rather abruptly changing the subject.

      “Where’s Gloria?”

      “She ought to be here any minute.”

      “Have you met my daughter, Mr. —— ?”

      “Haven’t had the pleasure. I’ve heard Dick speak of her often.”

      “She and Richard are cousins.”

      “Yes?” Anthony smiled with some effort. He was not used to the society of his seniors, and his mouth was stiff from superfluous cheerfulness. It was such a pleasant thought about Gloria and Dick being cousins. He managed within the next minute to throw an agonized glance at his friend.

      Richard Caramel was afraid they’d have to toddle off.

      Mrs. Gilbert was tremendously sorry.

      Mr. Gilbert thought it was too bad.

      Mrs. Gilbert had a further idea — something about being glad they’d come, anyhow, even if they’d only seen an old lady ‘way too old to flirt with them. Anthony and Dick evidently considered this a sly sally, for they laughed one bar in three-four time.

      Would they come again soon?

      “Oh, yes.”

      Gloria would be awfully sorry!

      “Good-by — —”

      “Good-by — —”




      Two disconsolate young men walking down the tenth-floor corridor of the. Plaza in the direction of the elevator.

       A LADY’S LEGS

      Behind Maury Noble’s attractive indolence, his irrelevance and his easy mockery, lay a surprising and relentless maturity of purpose. His intention, as he stated it in college, had been to use three years in travel, three years in utter leisure — and then to become immensely rich as quickly as possible.

      His three years of travel were over. He had accomplished the globe with an intensity and curiosity that in any one else would have seemed pedantic, without redeeming spontaneity, almost the self-editing of a human Baedeker; but, in this case, it assumed an air of mysterious purpose and significant design — as though Maury Noble were some predestined anti-Christ, urged by a preordination to go everywhere there was to go along the earth and to see all the billions of humans who bred and wept and slew each other here and there upon it.

      Back in America, he was sallying into the search for amusement with the same consistent absorption. He who had never taken more than a few cocktails or a pint of wine at a sitting, taught himself to drink as he would have taught himself Greek — like Greek it would be the gateway to a wealth of new sensations, new psychic states, new reactions in joy or misery.

      His habits were a matter for esoteric speculation. He had three rooms in a bachelor apartment on Forty-forth street, but he was seldom to be found there. The telephone girl had received the most positive instructions that no one should even have his ear without first giving a name to be passed upon. She had a list of half a dozen people to whom he was never at home, and of the same number to whom he was always at home. Foremost on the latter list were Anthony Patch and Richard Caramel.

      Maury’s mother lived with her married son in Philadelphia, and there Maury went usually for the weekends, so one Saturday night when Anthony, prowling the chilly streets in a fit of utter boredom, dropped in at the Molton Arms he was overjoyed to find that Mr. Noble was at home.

      His spirits soared faster than the flying elevator. This was so good, so extremely good, to be about to talk to Maury — who would be equally happy at seeing him. They would look at each other with a deep affection just behind their eyes which both would conceal beneath some attenuated raillery. Had it been summer they would have gone out together and indolently sipped two long Tom Collinses, as they wilted their collars and watched the faintly diverting round of some lazy August cabaret. But it was cold outside, with wind around the edges of the tall buildings and December just up the street, so better far an evening together under the soft lamplight and a drink or two of Bushmill’s, or a thimbleful of Maury’s Grand Marnier, with the books gleaming like ornaments against the walls, and Maury radiating a divine inertia as he rested, large and catlike, in his favorite chair.

      There he was! The room closed about Anthony, warmed him. The glow of that strong persuasive mind, that temperament almost Oriental in its outward impassivity, warmed Anthony’s restless soul and brought him a peace that could be likened only to the peace a stupid woman gives. One must understand all — else one must take all for granted. Maury filled the room, tigerlike, godlike. The winds outside were stilled; the brass candlesticks on the mantel glowed like tapers before an altar.

      “What keeps you here to-day?” Anthony spread himself over a yielding sofa and made an elbow-rest among the pillows.

      “Just been here an hour. Tea dance — and I stayed so late I missed my train to Philadelphia.”

      “Strange to stay so long,” commented Anthony curiously.

      “Rather. What’d you do?”

      “Geraldine. Little usher at Keith’s. I told you about her.”


      “Paid me a call about three and stayed till five. Peculiar little soul — she gets me. She’s so utterly stupid.”

      Maury was silent.

      “Strange as it may seem,” continued Anthony, “so far as I’m concerned, and even so far as I know, Geraldine is a paragon of virtue.”

      He had known her a month, a girl of nondescript and nomadic habits. Someone had casually passed her on to Anthony, who considered her amusing and rather liked the chaste and fairylike kisses she had given him on the third night of their acquaintance, when they had driven in a taxi through the Park. She had a vague family — a shadowy aunt and uncle who shared with her an apartment in the labyrinthine hundreds. She was company, familiar and faintly intimate and restful. Further than that he did not care to experiment — not from any moral compunction, but from a dread of allowing any entanglement to disturb what he felt was the growing serenity of his life.

      “She has two stunts,” he informed Maury; “one of them is to get her hair over her eyes some way and then blow it out, and the other is to say ‘You cra-a-azy!’ when some one makes a remark that’s over her head. It fascinates me. I sit there hour after hour, completely intrigued by the maniacal symptoms she finds in my imagination.”

      Maury stirred in his chair and spoke.

      “Remarkable that a person can comprehend so little and yet live in such a complex civilization. A woman like that actually takes the whole universe in the most matter-of-fact way. From the influence of Rousseau to the bearing of the tariff rates on her dinner, the whole phenomenon is utterly strange to her. She’s just been carried along from an age of spearheads and plunked down here with the equipment of an archer for going into a pistol duel. You could sweep away the entire crust of history and she’d never know the difference.”

      “I wish our Richard would write about her.”

      “Anthony, СКАЧАТЬ