The Eternal Belief in Immortality & Worship of the Dead. James George Frazer
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Название: The Eternal Belief in Immortality & Worship of the Dead

Автор: James George Frazer

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Зарубежная психология


isbn: 4064066379933


СКАЧАТЬ "Death, in the opinion of the natives, is never due to a natural cause. It is always the result either of a crime or of sorcery, and is followed by the poison ordeal, which has to be undergone by an innocent person whom the fetish-man accuses from selfish motives."45

      Effect of such beliefs in thinning the population by causing multitudes to die for the imaginary crime of sorcery.

      General conclusion as to the belief in sorcery as the great cause of death.

      Much more evidence of the same kind could be adduced, but without pursuing the theme further I think we may lay it down as a general rule that at a certain stage of social and intellectual evolution men have believed themselves to be naturally immortal in this life and have regarded death by disease or even by accident or violence as an unnatural event which has been brought about by sorcery and which must be avenged by the death of the sorcerer. If that has been so, we seem bound to conclude that a belief in magic or sorcery has had a most potent influence in keeping down the numbers of savage tribes; since as a rule every natural death has entailed at least one, often several, sometimes many deaths by violence. This may help us to understand what an immense power for evil the world-wide faith in magic or sorcery has been among men.

      But some savages have attributed death to other causes than sorcery.

      But even savages come in time to perceive that deaths are sometimes brought about by other causes than sorcery. We have seen that some of them admit extreme old age, accidents, and violence as causes of death which are independent of sorcery. The admission of these exceptions to the general rule certainly marks a stage of intellectual progress. I will give a few more instances of such admissions before concluding this part of my subject.

      Some savages dissect the corpse to ascertain whether death was due to natural causes or to sorcery.

      The possibility of natural death admitted by the Melanesians.