The Minimalist Woodworker. Vic Tesolin
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Название: The Minimalist Woodworker

Автор: Vic Tesolin

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 9781951217174



      Jack Plane

      More Key Bench Planes

      You can get an awful lot of work

       done with a jack but there are

       three other sizes of bench planes

       that I use.


      The jointer (a #7 or #8) is a long

       plane that will allow you to joint long

       edges and flatten large surfaces

       with ease. The longer the plane the

       flatter the surface it will create.


      The #4 smoother is a smaller plane

       than the jack. The plane is a bit

       lighter and easier to maneuver on

       the surface that you’re preparing

      for finish. I like using wooden

       smoothers because the wooden

       sole of the plane burnishes the

       surface you are smoothing, making

       it shine even before finishing.

      Block Plane

      In addition to these two planes you

       can also use a small, one-handed

       block plane. Block planes are

       specifically designed to work on

       end-grain. They typically have a

       low-angle blade bed, which means

       that the blade is inserted bevel up.

       Block planes are good for small

       trimming jobs, softening hard edges,

       and other small tasks at the bench.




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