Rise of the Halfling King (Tales of the Feathered Serpent #1). David Bowles
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СКАЧАТЬ no longer need aluxes or witches!

      The king’s priests.


      The king grew powerful, but also cruel. Laws were strict. Punishments severe.

      Almah grew older. Many folks shunned her

      out of fear of the king and his priests.

      Goddess Ixchel, I gave up

      marriage and children to serve

      my community. But I’m so lonely.

      As she wandered the Puuc Hills one day,

      Almah found an unusual egg in her path.

      She took it home and placed it near the hearth

      where she had hidden the Kingmaker Drum.


      Every day she watched for signs of its hatching.

      But she was quite surprised at

      what finally emerged.

      It was a little boy, not much bigger than her hand.

      Familiar with magical beings, Almah realized he

      was a gift from the aluxes.

      Who are you?


      I’m your grandmother,

      precious child!


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