The Triads of Ireland. Various
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Название: The Triads of Ireland

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664624734


СКАЧАТЬ 6. 16 Sex sunt quae odit Dominus, et septimum detestatur anima eius: 17 oculos sublimes, linguam mendacem, manus effundentes innoxium sanguinem, 18 cor machinans cogitationes pessimas, pedes veloces ad currendum in malum, 19 proferentem mendacia testem fallacem, et eum qui seminat intra fratres discordias.

      An Ennead.

      Ecclus. 25, 9: Novem insuspicabilia cordis magnificavi, et decimum dicam in lingua hominibus, &c.

      As examples I select the following two triads:—

      Tres bacheriosi(?) sunt: terribilis bellator armatus promptusque ad praelium, leo de spelunca quando praedam devorat, aper ferus de silva quando furore in aliquem irruit.

      Tres sunt imperfecti qui numquam ad perfectionem vitae disciplinae pervenire possunt; tunc enim a vitiis recedunt, quando mala facere non possunt. Antiquus nauta qui multis annis seductis onmibus emere et vendere poterat; senex auriga qui in curribus et in equis Deo derelicto vana cura atque conversatione meditatur atque utitur; vetula ancilla quae dominae suae subdole in omnibus rebus quae cottidiano ministerio perficiuntur male retribuit.

      Triads occur sporadically in the literature of most other nations, and have occasionally been collected. But I am not aware that this kind of composition has ever attained the same popularity elsewhere as in Wales and Ireland, where the manufacture of triads seems at times almost to have become a sport.

      The wittiest triads are undoubtedly those in which the third item contains an anticlimax. Two perfect examples of this kind were composed by Heine when he tells the foreigner visiting Germany that he need but know three words of the language: Brot, Kuss, Ehre; and in his often quoted witticism: Der Franzose liebt die Freiheit wie seine Braut, der Engländer wie seine Frau, der Deutsche wie seine alte Grossmutter.


       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      1. Cenn Hérenn Ardmacha.

      om. BMHNLec

      2. Ordan Hérenn Clúain Maic Nóis.

      3. Ana Hérenn Clúain Iraird.

      5. Sruithe Hérenn Bendchor.

      6. Cóemna Hérenn Lusca.

      7. Áinius Hérenn Cenannus.

      8. Dí ṡúil Hérenn Tamlachta ⁊ Findglais.

      dá súil L Finnglaisi N Findglais Lec

      9. Tech commairce Hérenn Tech Cairnig for sligid Assail.

      om. L

      10. Idna Hérenn Inis Cathaig.

      11. Reclés Hérenn Glenn Dá Locha.

      12. Féinechas Hérenn Clúain Húama.

      13. Tech Foichle Hérenn Fernæ.

      14. Litánacht Hérenn Less Mór.

      15. Senchas Hérenn Imblech Ibair.

      16. Bérla Féine Hérenn Corcach.

      17. Légend Hérenn Ross Ailithre.

      Ailaicre B Elichre M

      18. Téite Hérenn Tír Dá Glas.

      téde N teide BM

      19. Anmchairde Hérenn Clúain Ferta Brénainn.

      ancairde BLec Brenainde N

      20. Escaine Hérenn Lothra.

      hescoemna L

      21. Brethemnas Hérenn Sláine.

      22. Dúire chrábaid Hérenn Fobur Féichín.

      dire BM Féichín om. BM Fabair Feithin N

      23. Áibne Hérenn Ard mBreccáin.

      24. Diúite Hérenn Ross Commáin.

      diuidus BM diuitecht L

      25. Fáilte Hérenn Ráith mBoth nó Druimm Lethan.

      26. Deṡerc Hérenn Dún Dá Lethglas.

      desearc L deeirc B deirc M

       Table of Contents

      1. The Head of Ireland—Armagh.

      2. СКАЧАТЬ