Wood and Forest. William Noyes
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Название: Wood and Forest

Автор: William Noyes

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066189327


СКАЧАТЬ 18. Charles A. Keffer, Experimental Tree Planting on the Plains.

      No. 22. V. M. Spalding and F. H. Chittenden, The White Pine.

      No. 24. Gifford Pinchot, A Primer of Forestry.

      No. 26. Henry S. Graves, Practical Forestry in the Adirondacks.

      No. 41. Herman von Schrenck, Seasoning of Timber.

      No. 45. Harold B. Kempton, The Planting of White Pine in New England.

      No. 52. Royal S. Kellogg, Forest Planting in Western Kansas.

      No. 61. Terms Used in Forestry and Logging.

      No. 65. George L. Clothier, Advice for Forest Planters in Oklahoma and Adjacent Regions.

      No. 74. R. S. Kellogg and H. M. Hale, Forest Products of the U. S., 1905.

      U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Circulars.

      No. 3. George William Hill, Publications for Sale.

      No. 25. Gifford Pinchot, The Lumberman and the Forester.

      No. 26. H. M. Suter, Forest Fires in the Adirondacks in 1903.

      No. 36. The Forest Service: What it is, and how it deals with Forest Problems. Also Classified List of Publications and Guide to Their Contents.

      No. 37. Forest Planting in the Sand Hill Region of Nebraska.

      No. 40. H. B. Holroyd, The Utilization of Tupelo.

      No. 41. S. N. Spring, Forest Planting on Coal Lands in Western Pennsylvania.

      No. 45. Frank G. Miller, Forest Planting in Eastern Nebraska.

      No. 81. R. S. Kellogg, Forest Planting in Illinois.

      No. 97. R. S. Kellogg, Timber Supply of the United States.

      No. 153. A. H. Pierson, Exports and Imports of Forest Products, 1907.

      U. S. Department of Agriculture Year Books for:

      1896. Filibert Roth, The Uses of Wood.

      1898, p. 181. Gifford Pinchot, Notes on some Forest Problems.

      1899, p. 415. Henry S. Graves, The Practice of Forestry by Private Owners.

      1900, p. 199. Hermann von Schrenck, Fungous Diseases of Forest Trees.

      1902, p. 145. William L. Hall, Forest Extension in the Middle West.

      1902, p. 265. A. D. Hopkins, Some of the Principal Insect Enemies of Coniferous Forests in the United States.

      1902, p. 309. Overton, W. Price, Influence of Forestry on the Lumber Supply.

      1903, p. 279. James W. Toumey, The Relation of Forests to Stream Flow.

      1903, p. 313. A. D. Hopkins, Insect Injuries to Hardwood Forest Trees.

      1904, p. 133. E. A. Sterling, The Attitude of Lumbermen toward Forest Fires.

      1904, p. 381. A. D. Hopkins, Insect Injuries to Forest Products.

      1905, p. 455. Henry Grinell, Prolonging the Life of Telephone Poles.

      1905, p. 483. J. Grivin Peters, Waste in Logging Southern Yellow Pine.

      1905, p. 636. Quincy R. Craft, Progress of Forestry in 1905.

      1907, p 277. Raphael Zon and E. H. Clapp, Cutting Timber in the National Forests.

      U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Entomology Bulletins:

      No. 11. n. s. L. O. Howard, The Gypsy Moth in America.

      No. 28. A. D. Hopkins, Insect Enemies of the Spruce in the Northeast.

      No. 32. n. s. A. D. Hopkins, Insect Enemies of the Pine in the Black Hills Forest Reserve.

      No. 48. A. D. Hopkins, Catalog of Exhibits of Insect Enemies of Forest and Forest Products at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904.

      No. 56. A. D. Hopkins, The Black Hills Beetle.

      No. 58. Part 1, A. D. Hopkins, The Locust Borer.

      No. 58. Part II, J. L. Webb, The Western Pine Destroying Bark Beetle.

      U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Bulletins:

      No. 32. Herman von Schrenck, A Disease of the White Ash Caused by Polyporus Fraxinophilus, 1903.

      No. 36. Hermann von Schrenck, The "Bluing" and "Red Rot" of the Western Yellow Pine, 1903.

      Report of the Commissioner of Corporations on the Lumber Industry, Part I, Standing Timber, February, 1911. The latest and most reliable investigation into the amount and ownership of the forests of the United States.

      Ward, H. Marshall, Timber and some of its Diseases. London: Macmillan & Co., 295 pp. An English book that needs supplementing by information on American wood diseases, such as is included in the list of government publications given herewith. The book includes a description of the character, structure, properties, varieties, and classification of timbers.

       Table of Contents


      When it is remembered that the suitability of wood for a particular purpose depends most of all upon its internal structure, it is plain that the woodworker should know the essential characteristics of that structure. While his main interest in wood is as lumber, dead material to be used in woodworking, he can properly understand its structure only by knowing something of it as a live, growing organism. To facilitate this, a knowledge of its position in the plant world is helpful.

      All the useful woods are to be found in the highest sub-kingdom of the plant world, the flowering plants or Phanerogamia of the botanist. These flowering plants are to be classified as follows:

Phanerogamia, (Flowering plants) leftbrace I. Gymnosperms. (Naked seeds.) 1. Cycadaceae. (Palms, ferns, etc.) 2. Gnetaceae. (Joint firs.) 3. Conifers. Pines, firs, etc. II. Angiosperms. (Fruits.) 1. Monocotyledons. (One seed-leaf.) (Palms, bamboos, grasses, etc.) 2. Dicotyledons. (Two seed-leaves.) a. Herbs. b. Broad-leaved СКАЧАТЬ