The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation
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Название: The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition

Автор: Urantia Foundation

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9780911560190


СКАЧАТЬ of fish in Galilee, a mistaken interpretation, 192:1.7 (2046.5)concepts of Jesus’ divine-human personality, a foundation of the early church, 166:0.2 (1825.2)cure of the lunatic, supposed, and the legend of the devils and the swine, 151:6.6 (1696.4)cures, faith in Jesus rather than his conscious will as the cause of, 152:0.3 (1698.3)tendency of simple-minded people to interpret mental healings as, 146:6.1 (1645.2)dealings of God with the Hebrews, record of, prepared by priests as substitute for secular history, 97:8.1 (1070.4), 97:9.9 (1072.7)demonstrations, belief of Jesus’ friends and family that he would increasingly manifest, 137:3.6 (1528.2)draught of fishes, incorrect interpretation of David Zebedee’s catch, 145:1.3 (1629.1)events appearing in Hebrew history, motivation for priests to multiply, 97:7.1 (1068.1)feeding of the five thousand, Jesus’ instructions to the twelve as to his reasons for, 152:6.6 (1706.1)happenings, absence of, during time of waiting, a test for Jesus’ friends and family, 137:7.2 (1534.1)nonoccurrence of, in Jesus’ childhood, effect on Mary, 126:1.5 (1387.5)inauguration, a feature of the Jewish Messianic concept of a world-wide kingdom, 170:1.5 (1858.7)interpretation of human history, a serious blunder by modern religions, 97:8.5 (1071.3)ministry of Jesus, Josiah a fruitful recipient of, 164:5.6 (1816.3)occurrences not the right approach to Jesus, but vice versa, 149:2.7 (1671.2)people, the Jews were not a, 97:9.29 (1075.5)person, Jesus of Nazareth defined as a, 120:4.5 (1331.5)personalities and deliverers of their people, typical origin of, in sun cults, 85:5.3 (947.6)plenty, an era of, to be ushered in by the Messiah of Jewish belief, 136:6.7 (1518.6)power of the deliverer to cast down Israel’s enemies, as envisioned by the Jews, 136:9.2 (1522.1)throne of David, part of the Jewish Messianic concept of the kingdom of heaven, 141:2.1 (1588.4)revelation of Jesus as the supernatural king of the Jews, Mary’s expectation of, 137:3.5 (1528.1)or supernatural, Cana and the healing at sundown exceptions to Jesus’ usual practice to avoid the, 145:3.7 (1632.6)varying concepts of the, a possession of Urantia mortals, 120:4.5 (1331.5)wonders of Moses in delivering the Jews from bondage, and Old Testament Messianic prophecies, 122:4.4 (1347.6), 136:1.3 (1509.5)working, Jesus’ restoration of the blind man’s sight as an example of, and his purpose, 164:3.16 (1813.3)Miriam, of the Old TestamentJoanna’s Scripture readings making reference to, 150:3.1 (1680.3)Miriam, sister of Jesusbirth of, 123:2.3 (1357.7)characteristics of, 127:4.8 (1402.1)effect of Jesus’ rejection of marriage on, 127:6.2 (1404.1)and Jacob, marriage of, 128:5.8 (1414.6), 128:7.10 (1418.2)relationship of Jesus and, 124:4.3 (1371.6), 127:6.2 (1404.1)role of, during Rebecca’s proposal to Jesus, 127:5.1 (1402.4)teaching of Ruth by, 127:1.5 (1396.2)work of, in the family’s dairy sales, 126:3.12 (1391.2), 128:3.1 (1411.1)Mirror(s)defeat a, for viewing the real self, 156:5.17 (1740.4)living, the primary seconaphim of the Ancients of Days, 28:4.1 (307.5)the Souls of Philosophy attached to the Perfectors of Wisdom, 28:5.11 (311.3)of space, the reflective tertiary seconaphim, 28:7.4 (318.2)superstitious awe of, 86:5.14 (955.2)superuniverses likened to, 25:2.4 (275.4)Mirthjoyful, universality of, 48:4.1 (547.4)morontia, basis of, 48:4.20 (550.1)morontial equivalent of, 48:4.1 (547.4)need for, at lower levels of spirit life, 48:4.17 (549.4)spirit, carefree review of the past provocative of, 48:4.12 (548.7)Misadaptation(s)a cause of cosmic disharmony, 130:4.8 (1434.7)eventual exhaustion of possibilities for, 117:7.13 (1292.7)evil defined as, 75:4.3 (842.5), 105:6.4 (1159.4), 130:1.5 (1429.1), 130:4.11 (1435.3)in Melchizedek function, rare in Nebadon, 35:2.8 (386.6)recognition of, only apparent, 3:2.7 (47.5)rectification of, fostered by Those High in Authority, 22:3.4 (246.5)Miscarriagethe Adamic, disheartening nature of, 75:8.6 (846.5)proclamation of, by Solonia, 51:3.5 (583.4)seraphic group continuing with the new regime following, 39:5.8 (438.1)threatened extinction of revealed truth in the millennium following, 93:1.1 (1014.3)of the divine plan for jurisdiction of a planetary prince, some worlds affected by a, 39:4.3 (434.3), 114:7.15 (1258.7)of Michael’s bestowal mission, attempts by the rebel leaders to effect, 53:1.4 (602.1)of the mission of the Prince’s administration, obstacles confronting Adam because of, 75:1.3 (839.4)of plans to upstep the Urantia races, Caligastia’s contribution to, 66:8.4 (752.5)and persistence of fear in present-day mortal races, 76:4.6 (851.4)progress made despite, 51:0.3 (580.3), 51:5.6 (586.3), 81:0.1 (900.1)Mischiefin the hearts of some who speak peace, 149:6.12 (1677.1)-maker, Jesus called a, 162:1.10 (1790.2), 185:3.7 (1991.7)-making error of religion, the chosen-people delusion, 92:3.2 (1005.4)pride of Lucifer, a factor in his insincerity, 53:2.5 (603.1)produced by unorganized secondary midwayers up to the days of Christ Michael, 77:6.6 (863.1)of rebel midwayers roaming the world, at an end since their imprisonment, 77:7.8 (864.1), 158:4.2 (1755.8)worked in Norlatiadek by Lucifer, Satan, and the fallen princes, 54:4.1 (615.6)Misconception(s)about comparability of divine-human relationships to marriage, 83:8.3 (929.6)marriage and divorce, Jesus’ addressing of the apostles’, 167:5.7 (1839.4)of destinies, a result of philosophic oversimplification, 19:1.9 (215.6)of the kingdom, need for apostles to adjust, to reality of the spiritual order, 181:2.9 (1956.4)of reality, error defined as, 67:1.4 (754.5)Misconductof creatures of nature, results of, 4:2.8 (57.5)of a family member, and suffering of consequences by other members, 54:6.3 (618.6)unknown in Havona, 14:2.9 (155.3)Misery(ies)augmented by anarchy, 70:0.3 (783.3)fellowship in, vs. genuine sympathy, 159:3.11 (1766.7)man’s, not a visitation of divine judgment, 148:6.11 (1664.3)primitive man’s spirit explanation for his, 86:2.2 (951.4), 89:0.2 (974.2), 90:3.9 (990.4)a technique of ending, 131:3.3 (1446.5), 148:5.3 (1661.5)Misfortune(s)of Caligastia, 66:8.0 (752.2–753.3)early alleged source of, 87:2.2 (959.3), 87:5.2 (962.3)God-knowing individuals not discouraged by, 156:5.13 (1739.8)just decisions to favor those suffering, 132:5.13 (1463.7)of Mary Magdalene, a cause of her former situation, 150:2.2 (1680.1)suffered by Nebadon, several rebellions, 50:1.3 (572.5)of this planet, the Adamic default, 65:5.2 (736.5)and lack of understanding of culture of normal worlds, 50:6.3 (578.3)loss of superior blue men, 51:4.3 (584.5)not its sole lot, 76:5.7 (853.1)spiritual isolation, 50:6.2 (578.2)unusual character of, one consequence, 20:5.6 (228.3), 76:5.7 (853.1)Mismanagementof world affairs, the recital of, heard by Adam and Eve on their second day, 74:3.3 (830.6)Mispehthe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Missingfactors, one characteristic of a bad system, 112:1.19 (1227.9)information in earned knowledge, revelation’s role in filling in, 101:4.9 (1110.2)links between prehumans and dawn men, nonexistence of, 58:6.2 (669.3)member of a finaliter company, the unknown and, 31:3.1 (347.4), 31:7.1 (349.6)peoples on certain worlds, the three secondary races, 51:4.3 (584.5)Missionthe apostles’, foundations of, 191:5.3 (2043.1)believers’, on earth, 193:0.4 (2052.4)on earth, Jesus’ bold announcement of his, to all the world, 162:4.1 (1793.5)decision against use of compromise and diplomacy in his, 136:8.4 (1520.5)statement about his, to Gonod and Ganid, 132:6.3 (1465.7)statements to the twelve about his, 143:1.4 (1608.1), 145:5.6 (1635.5), 149:6.3 (1675.4)of government, prime, a definition, 81:5.6 (906.4)Jesus’, vs. his family obligations, 124:3.10 (1371.3)Joseph’s growing understanding of, 124:4.6 (1372.3)Mary’s vigil lest anything interfere with, 123:0.2 (1355.2)a religious one, 196:2.11 (2093.5)universality of, 122:4.2 (1347.4), 174:5.12 (1904.3)of Jesus in behalf of gentile believers, the Father’s acceptance of, 174:5.12 (1904.3)Jesus’ decision to eliminate superhuman practices for calling attention to his, 136:8.1 (1520.2)devotion to the accomplishment of his, 181:1.9 (1954.6)divine, Ruth’s belief in, 145:0.3 (1628.3), 154:6.1 (1721.1)readiness to answer questions concerning his, 186:2.2 (1999.2)teacher’s assurance of his pupil’s being destined for some distinguished, 124:5.5 (1373.5)John the Baptist’s temptation to doubt his, 135:11.1 (1506.6)John’s, Jesus’ question as to the method of taking over, 136:9.1 (1521.4)of Joshua the teacher, 133:9.6 (1482.1)Michael’s, most revolutionary feature of, 149:2.8 (1671.3)and ministry of Thought Adjusters, 108:0.0 (1185.1–1194.2)Son of Man’s, 140:6.2 (1576.2), 157:6.13 (1750.7)to the world, Jesus’ knowledge of having completed his, 179:2.3 (1938.2)Missionary(ies)Andrew’s influence in the choice of the first, 139:1.8 (1549.6)Buddhist, sending of, by Asoka, 94:9.1 (1037.4)campaign, Jesus’ plan for a quiet, 138:7.1 (1543.4)Christian, in Africa, and negative effects on family culture, 66:6.7 (750.2)in Arabia, factors in lack of success of, 95:7.3 (1051.1)encounters by, of savagery, in Tibet and in northern Europe, 94:10.1 (1038.5)the Melchizedek, about, 93:7.0 (1021.5–1022.2)to the Eastern Hemisphere, an appraisal, 94:0.1 (1027.1)era of, 92:5.10 (1009.4)in Mesopotamia, mistake of, 95:1.8 (1043.3)persistence of sincere religionists, and spread of Buddhism, 94:9.2 (1037.5)prospect of mistake in sending of, by the continental nation, 72:12.2 (819.6)Salem, see Salem, missionariesservice of the СКАЧАТЬ