Human Milk: Composition, Clinical Benefits and Future Opportunities. Группа авторов
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СКАЧАТЬ and the milk-filled duct system of the breast [20, 21]; both studies use data recorded directly during breastfeeding. They are elegant, complex, and sophisticated, although it can prove difficult to evaluate them fully, in order to determine if any of the assumptions made might create erroneous conclusions. Modelling of the milk duct system of the breast is complex and will be bypassed in the discussion below, assuming them to be essentially accurate – that of Mortazavi et al. [21] is claimed to be more elaborate.

      In brief, their methodology is as follows: 5–8 points are digitized on the hard palate (this is a manual process), to which a smooth curve is fitted by interpolation (red line in their Fig. 1A); the same process is applied to the tongue surface (green line). A set of tracings of the hard palate is collected for 4–6 suck cycles, which are then aligned with reference to the Hard-Soft Palate Junction, so that movement of the tongue relative to the hard palate can be visualized (identified as Fig 1A in their figure (Fig. 2A)).

      Superimposed on this image (their Fig. 1C (Fig. 2A)) is a set of 28 equally spaced radiating lines (referred to as “polar coordinates,” numbered 1–27 in the figure), which radiate out from the scan head to above the hard and soft palate. The movement of the tongue surface is then plotted along every 5th or 6th polar coordinate, enabling the time lag, relative to the preceding focal coordinate to be visualized.

      One apparent limitation of their approach is that 28 polar coordinates do not fully encompass the whole of the oral cavity. This might be regarded as a trivial issue, but the full passage of a suck across the oral cavity determines the overall suck duration, so that more lines would be required, up to at least 36, in order to embrace a full suckling action, including the prepharyngeal phase of swallowing.

      Evaluating movement of the tongue surface relative to the hard palate, across four focal polar coordinates – #8, #13, #17, and #22 (illustrated), shows evidence of a phase shift between these separated lines (their Fig. 1E (Fig. 2B)).

      In marked contrast, the time shift between ALL of the first 8 polar coordinates is evaluated and no phase shift is seen between individual lines. Based on their Fig. 1D (reproduced in my Fig. 2C), they assert that there is no phase shift between the lines, indicating that the “anterior tongue moves as a rigid body … ruling out the hypothesis of a peristaltic squeezing of the nipple” [20].

      Personally, this line of argument appears misleading to me. Certainly, movement along the first three coordinates closest to the mandible (#1–3) is likely to be determined largely by up/down movement of the jaw, but beyond this point, there is evidence of propagation of a peristaltic wave from as early as polar coordinate #4, right through to #28.

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      These authors also examined the time shift between movements in each of these three areas. Ultrasound recordings from 29 mother/baby pairs (46 complete breastfeeds) were analyzed, although analysis was restricted to those periods when active sucking was taking place. Nonetheless, over 1 million frames of active sucking were analyzed in real-time by this technique.

      If movement occurred in sector 1 first, a negative phase shift was recorded relative to sector 2; a zero phase shift indicated an absence of a phase shift between sectors 1 and 2; while a positive phase shift indicated movement in sector 2 preceded that in sector 1. In practice, this was caused by the movement in sector 2 being of larger amplitude than that in sector 1 and was commonly evidence for the presence of an ETD being inserted (i.e., an “added” suction element being superimposed on a peristaltic wave).