When Did we See You Naked?. Группа авторов
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Название: When Did we See You Naked?

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9780334060321


СКАЧАТЬ dignity. No mention is made of the garment’s removal. It appears that it remains on Jesus as he is laid in the tomb and added to by the explicitly mentioned ‘linen’ cloth in which Joseph finally shrouds the body of Jesus (Luke 23.53). The Herodian garment and the linen shroud symbolizing eternity are the residual images in the Gospel’s passion narrative that communicate Luke’s Christology of Jesus’ regal and heavenly status.

      Whatever the reason for Luke’s redactional predisposition to ‘cover up’ Mark’s Christological portrait, it reflects a tendency that has continued in the Jesus movement ever since. This is the inclination in ecclesial circles to conceal the truth and camouflage what is embarrassing, unpalatable and scandalous. Luke’s reformulation of Mark’s graphic and confronting portrait of a violated and sexually abused Jesus seeks to screen the Gospel audience from the reality of criminal execution in the Roman world. Rather, a more dignified figure emerges whose agenda is not to scandalize but affirm.


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