Letters from the Battlefields of Paraguay. Richard Francis Burton
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Название: Letters from the Battlefields of Paraguay

Автор: Richard Francis Burton

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066450700


СКАЧАТЬ the architect of the palace cruelly tormented, 433 ; pest-houses at, 435 ; landing-place and river at, 436 ; bad state of the streets at, 436 ; picturesqueness of the old cathedral at, 437 the much talked of arsenal at, 435 ; the terrible palace of Dr. Francia at, 439 ; deadly dungeons at, 440 ; fantastic palace of the elder Lopez at, 440 ; palace of D. Benigno Lopez at, 441 ; plundering the Club Nacional at, 442 ; various estimates of the population at 443 ; no pretensions to civilization at 444 ; complete change of masters at head-quarters, 445 ; candidates for the chief magistracy at, 446 ; the French consul removed from, 446 ; confiscation of the property of a foreigner at, 449 ; its changeable climate, 452 ; prices of provisions and house-rent at, 452 ; produce of the orange-trees at, 456 ; unprotected state of, 454 ; rude appliances of the railway at, 460

       Atrocities of Lopez grossly exaggerated, 128 ; frightful reports concerning the, 330

       Attempts to assault two ironclads, 311

       Ayolas, D. Juan, attacked by canoe Indians, 424

       Bajada, mother-of-pearl found at, 255

       Balloons tried in the early part of the campaign, 382

       Banda, miserable state of the mixed population in, 134

       Barracas artesian well, curious, 150

       Barranca de Bella Vista, a settlement of convicts, 263

       Barreto, General, cuts up a piquet of troopers, 375 ; his retreat from the

       banks of the Arroyo, 375 ; he volunteers to capture the enemy, 420

       Barrios, Vicente, degradation of, 476

       Barros, Jose de, duped by a farcical project, 141

       Barrosa, Vice-Admiral, neglects to push his victory, 267

       Basque and Italian sutlers murdering one another, 367

       Bateria de Cueva, the Paraguayan position of defence, 262

       Bateiia Londres, the Prince of Humbugs, 319

       Batlle, Colonel, seizure of, 114

       Battalions of women, rumours about, 379

       Batteries of Humaita, various, 319

       Battle cf Abay, hard fighting at, 425

       Battle of Acayuasa a great victory, 334

       Battle of Corrientes, loss of Argentines and Paraguayans equal, 290

       Battle of Cueva, failure of the Paraguayans at, 268

       Battle of Curupaity, serious loss of soldiers at, 305; scaling ladders forgotten by the Argentines, 305

       Battle of Itororo, loss of Brazilian sat, 427

       Battle of Loma Valentina, loss of Paraguayans and Brazilians at, 419 ; the whole affair a mystery, 419

       Battle of Monte Caseros, fall of Dictator Rosas at, 61 ; General Urquiza going to glory at, 253

       Battle of Paysandu, between the Blancos and Colerados, 211

       Battle of Potreiro- Sauce, surprises of the, 303

       Battle of the Lomas, and escape of General Caballero, 346

       Battle of Riachuelo, arrest of General Robles at, 264

       Battle of Veuces, and conquer of Corrientes, 59

       Battle of Yataity-Cora in 1866, 303

       Battle of Yatay, defeat of Colonel Duarto at, 221

       Belgrano, General, defeat of, at Corrientes, 288

       Berges, D., sent to govern Corrientes, 289

       Berro, D. Bernardo, grotesque appearance of, 114 ; murder of, 115

       Biscayans emigrating to PotosI, 104

       Blancos, rise of the, 114

       Bliss and Masterman arrested for high treason, 410

       Blood thirstiness of Montevideans, 122

       Bonpland, herbarium of, 288; taken prisoner, 51

       Bonpland, Madame, desperate adventures of, 288

       "Botany Bay" of Dr. Francia, 7

       Brazilian army, wrinkle offered to the, 310

       Brazilian cavalry, review of, 323

       Brazilian consul forgets his mother tongue, 219

       Brazilian infantry stubborn and obstinate, 387 ; the soldiers not free from corruption, 389

       Brazilian forces, inspecting the, 372

       Brazilian Marine Hospital, embezzlement of stores at, 291

       Brazilian negroes, manly fighting of the, 452

       Brazilian officers maltreated by Blanco girls, 119

       Brazilian soldier, curious antics of a, 468

       Brazilian soldiers in camp, clean appearance of, 336 ; cost of feeding them, 337

       Brazilian squadron, official list of the, 345

       Brazilian subaltern officers, bullying manners of, 447

       Brazilian treachery and indiscriminate massacre, 213

       Brazilians and Argentines, their alliance not sympathetic, 326

       Brazilians' confidence in two Paraguayan officers, 448

       Brazilians, oversight of the, 449

       Brazilians refuse a flag of truce, 447

       Brown, Admiral, successful feat of, 191

       Bruguez, General, lively little episode of, 262

       Buceo admired by bathers, 94

       Buenos Aires, revolutionary committee established at, 65 ; Fenian club at, 94 ; thirty people drowned in a storm, 127 ; salting houses in, 147 ; irregularity of steamers at, 152 ; savage mob at, 153; dangerous state of the new Muelle at, 153; the kiosk mania at, 154; injury to merchandize at, 155 ; difficulties in constructing a port at, 155 ; various opinions for constructing a port at, 156; Coghlan's project for improving the channel at, 156 ; increase of population at, 158; how Sunday is passed at, 159; dangerous state of streets at, 160 ; prevailing winds at, 162 ; street scandal inexcusable at, 162 ; thoroughfares imperfectly named at, 163 ; epidemic disorders at, 163 ; abusive and indecent writings on the wall at, 165 ; how a revolution begins at, 165 ; hotels, abominably bad and dear, 172 ; an Englishwoman's lodging-house at, 173 ; hideous Methodist chapel at, 173 ; Merced convent at, 170 ; Church of England temple at, 173 ; beauty and solidity of the buildings, 174 ; hideous relic of antiquity at, 176 ; scarcity of public vehicles at, 179 ; Cabildo, court of justice at, 179 ; impunity of crime at, 180 ; Mineral Water Establishment at, 181 ; museum of San Ignacio Church, 182 ; free club for travellers at, 183 ; a good opening for London publishers at, 183 ; fashionable shops in, 183 ; statue of General San Martin at, 183 ; attempts to burn the dead at, 184 ; familiarity СКАЧАТЬ