Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies. Eric Tyson
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Название: Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies

Автор: Eric Tyson

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Личные финансы


isbn: 9781119724087


СКАЧАТЬ a combination of reduced spending and reduced taxes by directing their savings into tax-advantaged retirement accounts including a 401(k) and SEP-IRA.“Cutting our expenses was easier than I thought. We were wasting money on things we didn’t really need or even use in some cases,” said Mrs. Fuller. Her husband added, “We felt much more relaxed and less stressed by cutting our expenses and boosting our savings.”

       They improved their investment returns. Rather than earning a meager return having their money in low-interest bank accounts, the Fullers enjoyed 8 percent annual returns by investing in a diverse mix of stocks around the world along with some high-quality bonds.

       They purchased better insurance coverage. The Fullers needed about $1.5 million of life insurance coverage — triple the amount they had been carrying. They were able to buy that increased level of coverage along with some additional needed disability insurance by raising their deductibles on some other insurance policies and by switching to lower-cost (but still high-quality) providers.

      If the Fullers had continued saving as they had been (saving just 4 percent of their incomes yearly and keeping that money in a bank account), in ten years (when they reached their late-50s), they would have accumulated $188,000. This would have put them in a relatively poor situation for their future retirements given their annual income of $150,000.

Number of Years Status Quo (Save 4% per year, earn 2% per year) With Changes (Save 15% per year, earn 8% per year)
10 $188,000 $541,000
20 $295,000 $1,494,000

      By making sensible changes, the Fullers are well positioned to retire with a hefty nest egg. (In fact, they could consider retirement sooner.) In the absence of those changes, however, they would have a small amount and be unable to even come close to maintaining their lifestyle during retirement.

      Although you may like to consider other factors — such as your health, relationships with friends and family, and interests and activities — as more important than money, the bottom line is that money and your personal financial fitness are extra-important factors in your retirement lifestyle.

Getting caught up in planning the financial part of your future appears easy. After all, money is measurable, and so much revolves around the money component of retirement planning. So what can you do to successfully plan for retirement? You could simply work really hard and spend lots of time making as much money as possible. But what would be the point if you have little free time to enjoy yourself and others? Fortunately, you can implement the following strategies when planning for retirement. We weave discussions on these important issues throughout the book.

      Saving drives wealth

      You may think a high income is key to having a prosperous retirement, but research shows that the best way to retirement bliss is to save. Research demonstrates that wealth accumulation is driven more by the choice to save (rather than spend) than it is by a person’s income.

      For example, professors Steven Venti and David Wise examined nearly 4,000 households across an array of income levels to challenge the notion that many households lacking high incomes don’t earn enough money to both pay their bills and save at the same time.

      Venti and Wise examined these households’ current financial statuses and histories to explain the differences in their accumulations of assets. Their findings showed that the bulk of the differences among households “… must be attributed to differences in the amount that households choose to save. The differences in saving choices among households with similar lifetime earnings lead to vastly different levels of asset accumulation by the time retirement age approaches.”


It’s not what you make but what you keep (save) that’s important to building wealth. Of course, earning more should make it easier to save, but many folks allow their spending to increase with their incomes.

      Keeping your balance

      Most people we know have more than one goal when it comes to their money and personal situations. For example, suppose Ray, age 50, wants to scale back work to a part-time basis and spend more time traveling. He reasons, “I don’t want to wait until my 70s, because what if my health isn’t great or I don’t make it!” But Ray also wants to help his adult children with some of the costs of graduate school and possibly with buying their first homes.


Unless you have really deep pockets and modest goals, you need to prioritize and develop price tags for each of your goals.

      Understanding that planning is a process

      The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association has a slogan: “A good pilot is always learning.” Likewise, to have a good retirement, you should view planning as an ongoing activity, not a one-time endeavor. Financial planning is a process. Too many people develop financial plans and then think they’re finished. Taking this route is a good way to run into unpleasant surprises in the future.

      A plan is based on assumptions and forecasts. However, no plan — no matter how carefully it’s developed — gets all the assumptions and forecasts correct. Even your best, most careful guesses may miss the mark. So every few years, you should review and update your plan.

      As you’re reviewing, assess how much reality differed from your assumptions. Sometimes, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Your portfolio may earn more than you expected, or you may spend less than you estimated.

      Other times the review won’t be as pleasant. The markets may have dragged down your portfolio returns. Or your spending may have exceeded your estimates. In either case, you aren’t reaching your goals.

      Even СКАЧАТЬ