Финансовый менеджмент в коммерческом банке и в индустрии финансовых услуг. Джозеф Синки
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СКАЧАТЬ and Quantitative Analysis

      Journal of Financial Economics

      Journal of Financial Education

      Journal of Financial Engineering

      Journal of Financial Intermediation

      Journal of Financial Markets

      Journal of Financial Planning

      Journal of Financial Research

      Journal of Financial Services Research

      Journal of Futures Markets

      Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money

      Journal of International Money and Finance

      Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking

      Review of Financial Studies

Правительственные публикации

      Annual Reports (FDIC, OCC, FRS, etc.)

      Congressional Hearings, Reports, and Staff Studies usually may be obtained by writing the Chief Clerk of the committee in question

      Bank Structure and Competition (Annual, FRB of Chicago)

      Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal

      Federal Reserve Bulletin and the Monthly/Quarterly Reviews of the District Federal Reserve Banks

      Treasury Bulletin

Судебные дела

      Intercollegiate Case Clearing House

      Soldiers Field Post Office

      Boston, MA 02163

      Check bookstores, libraries, and Web sites for case books on banking

Бухгалтерские отчеты (отчеты о состоянии банков, балансовые отчеты, данные о доходах-расходах)

      FRB of Chicago (Web site, see www site address)

      National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce

      Standard and Poor’s Compustat Service, Inc.

Компьютерные модели коммерческих банков

      The Stanford Bank Game, Human Resources West, Inc., San Francisco, CA


      Bankers Desk Reference

      Bankers Schools Directory

      Polk’s Bank Directory

      Rand McNally International Bankers Directory

Полезные веб-сайты

      Board of Governor (of FRS)


      FRB Atlanta


      FRB Boston


      FRB Chicago


      FRB Cleveland


      FRB Dallas


      FRB Kansas City


      FRB Minneapolis


      FRB New York


      FRB Philadelphia


      FRB Richmond


      FRB St. Louis


      FRB San Francisco
















      Federal Register

