The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran
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Название: The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

Автор: Kahlil Gibran

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9782380371123



      Do you know what prayer is? Just an earnest desire that we take to God — to Universal Mind — for fulfillment. As Montgomery puts it — “Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire, uttered or unexpressed.” It is our Heart’s Desire. At least, the only prayer that is worth anything is the prayer that asks for our real desires. That kind of prayer is heard. That kind of prayer is answered.

      Mere lip prayers get you nowhere. It doesn’t matter what your lips may say. The thing that counts is what your heart desires, what your mind images on your subconscious thought, and through it on Universal Mind. “Thou, when thou prayest, be not as the hypocrites are; for they love to pray standing in the synagogue and at the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward.”

      What was it these hypocrites that Jesus speaks of really wanted? “To be seen of men.” And their prayers were answered. Their sincere desire was granted. They were seen of men. “They have their reward.” But as for what their lips were saying, neither God nor they paid any attention to it.

      “Thou, when thou prayest enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.” Go where you can be alone, where you can concentrate your thoughts on your one innermost sincere desire, where you can impress that desire upon your subconscious mind without distraction, and so reach the Universal Mind (the Father of all things).

      But even sincere desire is not enough by itself. There must be BELIEF, too. “What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.” You must realize God’s ability to give you every good thing. You must believe in his readiness to do it. Model your thoughts after the Psalmists of old. They first asked for that which they wanted, then killed all doubts and fears by affirming God’s power and His willingness to grant their prayers. Read any of the Psalms and you will see what I mean. So when you pray, ask for the things that you want. Then affirm God’s readiness and His Power to grant your prayer. Glenn Clark, in “The Soul’s Sincere Desire,” gives some wonderfully helpful suggestions along these lines. To quote him:

      “For money troubles, realize: There is no want in Heaven, and affirm:

      “Our Heavenly Father, we know that thy Love is as infinite as the sky is infinite, and Thy Ways of manifesting that love are as unaccountable as the stars of the heavens.

      “Thy Power is greater than man’s horizon, and Thy Ways of manifesting that Power are more numerous than the sands of the sea.

      “As Thou keepest the stars in their courses, so shalt Thou guide our steps in perfect harmony, without clash or discord of any kind, if we keep our trust in Thee. For we know Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee. We know that, if we acknowledge Thee in all our ways, Thou wilt direct our paths. For Thou art the God of Love, Giver of every good and perfect gift, and there is none beside Thee. Thou art omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, in all, through all, and over all, the only God. And Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever, Amen.

      “For aid in thinking or writing, realize: There is no lack of ideas, and affirm:

      “Thy wisdom is greater than all hidden treasures, and yet as instantly available for our needs as the very ground beneath our feet.”

      “For happiness: There is no unhappiness in Heaven, so affirm:

      “Thy joy is brighter than the sun at noonday and Thy Ways of expressing that Joy as countless as the sunbeams that shine upon our path.”

      This is the kind of prayer the Psalmists of old had recourse to in their hours of trouble — this is the kind of prayer that will bring you every good and perfect gift.

      Make no mistake about this — prayer is effective. It can do anything. It doesn’t matter how trivial your desires may be — if it is RIGHT for you to have them, it is RIGHT for you to pray for them.

      “Prayer belongs to the football field as much as to the pulpit, and a praying team stands a good chance of getting there,” Tim Lowry, Northwestern University football star, told a large church audience here.

      “Just before the Indiana-Northwestern game last year,” Tim said. We worried a great deal about the outcome. Then we saw that bunch of big husky Indiana players coming toward us and we knew something had to be done quickly.

      “‘Fellows,’ I said, ‘I believe in prayer and we better pray.’ We did and won a great victory.

      “When the next game came, every fellow prayed again.

      “You don’t need to think that churches have a copyright on prayer.”

      In “Prayer as a Force,” A. Maude Royden compares the man who trusts his desires to prayer with the swimmer who trusts himself to the water:

      “Let me give you a very simple figure which I think may perhaps convey my meaning. If you are trying to swim you must believe that the sea is going to keep you afloat. You must give yourself to the sea. There is the ocean and there are you in it, and I say to you, ‘According to your faith you will be able to swim!’ I know perfectly well that it is literally according to your faith. A person who has just enough confidence in the sea and in himself to give one little hop from the ground will certainly find that the water will lift him but not very much; he will come down again. Persons who have enough confidence really to start swimming but no more, will not swim very far, because their confidence is so very small and they swim with such rapid strokes, and they hold their breath to such an extent, that by and by they collapse; they swim five or six, or twelve or fourteen strokes, but they do not get very far, through lack of confidence.

      “Persons who know with assurance that the sea will carry them if they do certain things, will swim quite calmly, serenely, happily, and will not mind if the water goes right over them. ‘Oh,’ you say, ‘that person is doing the whole thing!’ He can’t do it without the sea! You might hypnotize people into faith; you might say, ‘You are now in the ocean; swim off the edge of this precipice’ (which is really a cliff). You might make them do it, they might have implicit faith in you, you might hypnotize them into thinking they were swimming; but if they swam off the edge of the cliff they would fall. You can’t swim without the sea! I might say to you, ‘It lies with you whether you swim or not, according to your faith be it unto you’; but if the sea is not there you can’t swim. That is exactly what I feel about God. ‘According to your faith be it unto you.’ Yes, certainly, if you try to swim in that ocean which is the love of God your faith will be rewarded, and according to your faith it will be to you. In exact proportion to your faith you will find the answer, like a scientific law. There is not one atom of faith you put in God that will not receive its answer.”

      But remember: you would not plant a valuable seed in your garden, and then, a day or a week later, go out and dig it up to see if it were sprouting. On the contrary, you would nourish it each morning with water. It is the same with your prayers. Don’t plant the seed of your desire in your subconscious mind and then go out the next morning and tear it up with doubts and fears. Nourish it by holding in thought the thing you desire, by believing in it, visualizing it, SEEING it as an accomplished fact.

      If you ask for my own formula for successful prayer, I would say —

      1st. Center your thoughts on the thing that you want. Visualize it. Make a mental image of it. You are planting the seed of Desire. But don’t be content with that. Planting alone will not make a seed of corn grow. It has to be warmed by sunshine, nurtured by rain. So with СКАЧАТЬ