The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran
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Название: The Prosperity & Wealth Bible

Автор: Kahlil Gibran

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9782380371123


СКАЧАТЬ the turning of the Chance into the Achievement, that stirs and spurs the striving man to the fought-out fact of the thing dreamed about, planned about — and done.

      Take advantage of the smallest chance.

      First see it. Then grasp it! Then bolt it to your very soul. Remembering that Chances seen — and secured — breed Ideas, mold the Characters of mighty Men — and make Success sure.

      Master the trivial. And the big things will loom into Deeds, perfectly plain, exact — undertakable. Especially is this true of the beginner of big things starting small. Deeds done determine the value of the Chance seized by the man.

      The large tasks of the world lie hidden underneath the smallest Chances sought for with calm Patience and cool Courage. If past Chances appear neglected, passed by, or not seen, the future Chances streak toward you from in front — or maybe latent — but ready. Seek them, find them. Then hold them — “for keeps.”

      Success follows the Chances nailed down — things done.

      You — to-day — go after the Chances. Take them, ruddy and new, and build from this day, things worthwhile and things for more than to-day.

      Grasp your Chances as they come.


      Be Square.

      The man of all men most miserable is the man with a worn, weary, weeping Conscience.

      Be Square.

      Conscience is the fellow who sits on the throne of your Soul and calls out the Danger Signal when your life craft sights Icebergs. Conscience is the pilot of a man’s Hope toward Success. Conscience is the Busy Signal sign that halts a man just as he is about to do what he ought not to but wants to.

      Be Square.

      Conscience is the Voice of Duty — in every-day clothes.

      Be Square.

      Conscience is what you feel but do not hear. Conscience is the still, strong, silent, unseen Force that is ever with you — that invariably hunches you in the ribs — mute warner that you are on the wrong track, traveling in the wrong direction, playing the wrong game. Regardless of all other heeds, beck or call — hear, listen to — obey your Conscience to the letter.

      Be Square.

      The Man with the Conscience makes the Business with a Conscience. The Business with the Conscience makes the Nation with the Conscience. Conscience in Power is real achievement athrone.

      Be Square.

      As a Man or Woman, think it over. Conscience to you is as no other Conscience to any other Man or Woman. And the height to which Peace and Power may climb in you can be only in proportion to the Peace and Power which obedience to Conscience brings. So, follow your own Conscience all the way.

      Be Square.


      Be on Time.

      Because of the lateness of Marshal Grouchy of the French army at the battle of Waterloo, Blucher had time to whip his army on to the help of Wellington. Napoleon ordered rightly. Had not the man to whom he entrusted those orders blundered — hesitated — been Late — the whole history of Europe would have been changed from 1815.

      Be on Time.

      “The Train was late,” is the most frequent explanation after a terrible accident. What a multitude of lives have been lost, what an army of men and women have been deprived of position and honor, what untold suffering and humiliation have followed in the path of the late Mr. Late. Nothing pays better than Promptness.

      Be on Time.

      Promptness is the act of being on the job when your name is called — and answering to it. Not NEARBY — but THERE.

      Be on Time.

      Time tolls its minutes with even, regular strokes. The Job, the Appointment, the Order, the Friend, the Opportunity — won’t wait for the man who doesn’t respond on the dot.

      Be on Time.

      Be not deceived by the cheap clanging of Gold and Silver — gifts through whose possession you imagine yourself immune to Honor and the Promptness of Appointments. There is no winning to the slothful. The world with all its wonderful offerings gives its Choice freely to the man of his word.

      Be on Time.

      Be on Time at your desk each day — at each and every Appointment throughout each day. The path to greatness starts by being on time each morning at your own Breakfast table. That’s the beginning anyway.

      Be on Time.


      Thoughts are what happen when your Brain gets busy. Also, Thoughts are the Servants sent out by your Mind to shape and complete Deeds.

      Feed your Thoughts the right Food.

      Thoughts are never inherited. Thoughts are individual and belong wholly to you who create them. So, in turn, you are responsible for them. Care for them with zeal. Keep them Clean and Wholesome.

      Feed your Thoughts the right Food.

      Thoughts are the Master Builders of Fate. And as sure and plain as the chisel in the hands of the Sculptor leaves the lines and form of the finished Statue, so do Thoughts cut and shape your Character — and no man can change their work. Thoughts are Messengers of Events.

      Feed your Thoughts the right Food.

      Train your Thoughts. Organize them. Concentrate them. Exercise them. Guard them. Glory in the Society of your Thoughts — alone. For your Thoughts are your best Companions. Besmirch them — betray them, and you loom useless and abandoned.

      Feed your Thoughts the right Food.

      As your Mind grows in Strength, your Thoughts increase in Power. It is a wise plan, therefore, to fill your Mind with Thoughts that inspire and cheer and ennoble. For in the darker days of stress and rebellion that come into every life, the re-enforcements of great and useful Thoughts, step out to Protect and Save.


      There are a great many people on this earth that we don’t need and that we wish we could just easily push off. Knockers, for instance. There is a difference between a Knocker and a Kicker. Sometimes people kick to a good purpose. But a Knocker is a Knocker — a Pest and a Destroyer. Here is the way to push the Knockers into Oblivion —


      Boost your Town. Boost your Business. Boost your Friends. Boost your Ideas. Boost everything that helps other people or yourself. Be a Booster and you can’t help but be a Builder.


      The СКАЧАТЬ