Book-9. Coalition, novella. V. Speys
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Название: Book-9. Coalition, novella

Автор: V. Speys

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785005351678


СКАЧАТЬ ok-9. Coalition, novella

      V. Speys

      © V. Speys, 2021

      ISBN 978-5-0053-5167-8 (т. 9)

      ISBN 978-5-0053-4959-0

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      The Book-9. Coalition, novella in “FAYETON” tells about the entry of Earthlings into the Coalition of the Milky Way galaxy. The heroes of the book will experience new adventures that arise on then path of… Enjoy your readings, your author V. Speys.

      Book-IX Coalition novella

      Chapter 1

      Kecho waited until all seven men will go into the lab, then turned to Garinov:

      – The general, you’ll be the first. And everyone else, remember, before you seven capsules. At each capsule nameplate on who will be there and where to be moved. After the procedure with one participant of the operation, proceed to the next, and so in turn. – Kecho around all fatherly look! – So, General, please!

      Garinov went to the first capsule. It was a bed, equipped with a soft lining inside the top lid. We had to lie there and clothe script sensor transmitter. The general hesitated before his capsule. Faintly said, more to himself than to his comrades:

      The capsule- like tomb. Will’ve screwed though.

      Then he took the blue pajamas and hung it on the railing next to the capsule, remaining in the same firm trunks. His figure now looked like a Roman statue. All his muscles tensed, ready to spring as a 10- meter platform in the pool. Kecho came close to him:

      – General, sir, relax. It will be for you to sleep and nothing more.

      – The question is, Kecho what it will be a dream? – Garinov said, stepping on the side ladder. He slowly got up on her and got into the capsule. More conveniently located there, on a soft bed. Kecho hurried after helping Garinovu, handle to harness sensors. When this was done, Kecho tested the validity of the contact with the body and then closed the lid. There was a metallic click of locks, and immediately almost inaudible hum of equipment.

      The signal is amplified many times the equipment began to flow to the target.

      Garinov, entangled sensors, trying to suppress my fear, watching the slow closing lid capsule. When the cover crossed the mark of 45 degrees broke the soft green light from the backlight. This light filled space inside and it was not so bad. After clicking the locks slam the lid, followed by a buzzing devices for the capsule from the outside, and an instant tingling feeling under suction probes, has said that already read telepathic impulses. Immediately drowsiness wrapped up by the waves, lulling consciousness, sinking it, as in a dream in someone else’s reality…

      When Garinov opened his eyes, he saw himself in a room with soft gray walls without windows. The room was brightly lit with a single door. Middle of the room There was a table and a chair was set for him. It was strange to see myself in this room. In memory of the events have recently taken place that have swept the brain with incredible speed, causing surprise. Why is it so clear picture has emerged of the abduction of his base, hidden deep under the ground here in the center of the Coalition? Garinov suddenly realized that this is not it, General, but someone else and that other disposes him Garinov, thoughts.

      “We need to step up to the washstand, there hangs a mirror and figure out what’s going on?” – He thought, and at the same time someone else. He rose from a soft light green fluffy carpet and went to the mirror. There in the mirror was a different person strange appearance. At first he thought it was a phantom map, hallucination. Garinov raised his right hand touched his face with a razor, has had time to grow back, bristles. Then he began to treat the man in the mirror, staring so intently at it from there. Gray eyes framed by long lashes and gray smoothly combed hair regrown to cheekbones elongated face. Garinov not stop wondering, because he has always been overweight person is almost circular. Bushy eyebrows and sensual. In the entire appearance, men staring at him, glowing mind and focus intently peering eyes. Suddenly, a thought began to flow:

      “Whoever you may be, a foreigner, know I’m not the one who gives just as their tried and tested secrets for centuries. I’ll throw you out of here!” – Man in the mirror was vigorously finger poke yourself in the right temple.

      The sight of all natures Garinov chill ran. General decided not to give more of myself and watch your dream, what will happen next.

      He turned back to the mirror, followed by the middle of the room and sat back down on the soft carpet floor in the lotus position. In my mind peace reigned, and only he could hear the beating of the heart and measured breathing cycle. No thoughts, no pictures nothing more memory did not occur. And suddenly Garinov realized that this dream so clear and eerily palpable as if he is in someone else’s body, and that the owner of the body is able to operate with his thoughts, and, most importantly, that he once, as would have realized that there he sits, Garinov. Alexei could not understand how this happened to him. Why did he dream this nightmare, how would he, at the same time is not it. He began to dig into his memory. But it was all erased all memories and thoughts, everything. Guess come of itself:

      “So it was necessary for those who imported it here in a dream.” – Stay on it, he decided as well as the owner of that body to lie low and wait for what the outcome of that dream. Flowed painful minutes of waiting…

      Kecho anxiously watching the data on the screen pop a capsule in which there was a general Garinov. Indicators his condition was critical. We had to immediately stop the telepathic contact with the prisoner.

      He began to manipulate the keyboard panel installation in anticipation of the termination of the session. When the characteristics of stabilized Kecho a sigh of relief and said on the air:

      – Your rule, I stop the session.

      – You have made, Kecho. – Came telepathic information. – We have learned in this short “interview” with high- ranking prisoner Crilly, through the introduction of a general prisoner of conscience, as planned, and that the capture of the Earth. Many strategies and plans. All this was recorded and written on media for subsequent expanded interpretation and analysis.

      While this dialogue was conducted, cover the capsule slowly began to open. Catches by issuing a metallic click and lock it in the open position. General could only get out of the capsule. Garinov all speaking in droplets of sweat covered sensors, breathing rapidly and has already opened his eyes.

      – Do you recognize me? – Asked Kecho.

      Garinov looked into the eyes of the coach and have a meaningful answer:

      – Welcome Kecho. – Funny twinkle in the eyes of the general said, for themselves, what with Garinov all right.

      – Welcome back, General!

      Kecho helped disconnect the sensor and remove from the body, and when the general came down the stairs, and gave him a blue pajamas. Having put over his pajamas, Garinov said:

      – What about my people?

      – They did not. The aliens have set an insurmountable blockage of consciousness and that they all come back with nothing. In their close tabs on duty and robots of the team Dumar. – Efficiently Kecho explained.

      Garinov looked at the raised lid СКАЧАТЬ