Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Physical and Biological Agents. Группа авторов
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Название: Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Physical and Biological Agents

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9781119816225


СКАЧАТЬ of the incident radiation. Correction factors must, therefore, be developed that are specific to the exposure conditions to be assessed. If the relative spectral response function D(λ) of the broadband detector and a spectral distribution function Iλ of the optical radiation source (representing the normalized spectral intensity, spectral irradiance or spectral radiance) are known, then a correction factor f may be calculated as

      where s(λ) is the spectral weighting function for the biological effect and the summation is over the wavelength range to which the detector responds. It should be recognized that the detector response might not cut off sharply at the limits of the spectral weighting function for the biological effect.

      An alternative approach for determining correction factors for a broadband detector is to compare effective irradiance measurements from that detector to effective irradiance measurements obtained simultaneously using a more accurate method. This may be the only practical approach when the radiation source is not a manufactured lamp for which a spectral distribution function can be obtained. The correction factor will be affected by conditions that modify the spectral distribution of the source. For example, when polysulphone films used to measure erythemal effective dose from ambient solar UV radiation were calibrated against electronic radiometers and dosimeters that had spectral responses well matched to the erythemal reference action spectrum, the calibration curves showed variability related to atmospheric conditions that altered the ground‐level solar UV spectrum (39). Erythemal dose measurements of solar UV determined from polysulphone films are vulnerable to spectral variability in the incident radiation because the action spectrum for polysulphone dosimeters does not reproduce the shape of the erythemal reference action spectrum at wavelengths longer than 300 nm, where most solar UV occurs. Spectral mismatch effects in measurement of solar UV were also seen, to a lesser extent, in an assessment (40) of electronic dosimeters that used an aluminum gallium nitride photodiode detector with a response function that approximates the CIE erythemal reference action spectrum (32); the dosimeters, which had been calibrated in New Zealand in summer under high solar UV conditions, showed deviations of up to 30%, compared to the erythemally weighted irradiance determined from reference spectroradiometer measurements, when tested in northern Germany in autumn (40).

      4.3 Alternative Assessment Methods

      Alternatives to direct measurement of optical radiation may be needed when reliable measurement instruments are not available or when installation of a source is being planned or designed. Alternative methods include calculations of radiometric values and use of lamp classifications. Other source‐related guidelines, such as the UV Index (UVI) for solar radiation and shade numbers for welding, are discussed in Section 6.

      4.3.1 Calculation of Effective Radiometric Values

      If the source data are reported in terms of spectral irradiance, the manufacturer should provide information on the geometric configuration at which the spectral irradiance was measured. If the measurement distance exceeded five times the longest dimension of the source, then the following version of the inverse square law can be used to calculate the effective irradiance at the exposed surface of the skin or eye, Esurf:

      where rsurf is the distance between the source and the exposed body surface, Eref is the effective radiance under the measurement conditions, and rref is the measurement distance.