The Lady of the Ice. James De Mille
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Название: The Lady of the Ice

Автор: James De Mille

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066132439


СКАЧАТЬ Fancy.—A Discovery full of Mortification and Embarrassment.—Jack Randolph again.—News from the Seat of War.

      X. "Berton's?—Best Place in the Town.—Girls always glad to see a Fellow.—Plenty of Chat, and Lots of Fun.—No End of Larks, you know, and all that Sort of Thing."

      XI. "Macrorie, my Boy, have you been to Anderson's yet?"—"No."—"Well, then, I want you to attend to that Business of the Stone to-morrow. Don't forget the Size—Four Feet by Eighteen Inches; and nothing but the Name and Date. The Time's come at last. There's no Place for me but the Cold Grave, where the Pensive Passer-by may drop a Tear over the Mournful Fate of Jack Randolph. Amen. R. I. P."

      XII. My Adventures Rehearsed to Jack Randolph.—"My dear Fellow, you don't say so!"—"'Pon my Life, yes."—"By Jove! Old Chap, how close you've been! You just have no End of Secrets. And what's become of the Lady? Who is She?"

      XIII. "Advertising!!!"

      XIV. A Concert.—A Singular Character.—"God Save the Queen."—A Fenian.—A General Row.—Macrorie to the Rescue!—Macrorie's Maiden Speech, and its effectiveness.—O'Halloran.—A Strange Companion.—Invited to partake of Hospitality.

      XV. The O'Halloran Ladies.—Their Appearance.—Their Ages.—Their Dress.—

       Their Demeanor.—Their Culture, Polish, Education, Rank, Style,

       Attainments, and all about them.

      XVI. The Daily Paper.

      XVII. "Somethin' Warrum."

      XVIII. The Following Morning.—Appearance of Jack Randolph.—A New Complication.—The Three Oranges.—Desperate Efforts of the Juggler. —How to make full, ample, complete, and most satisfactory Explanations.—Miss Phillips!—The Widow!!—Number Three!!!—Louie rapidly rising into greater prominence on the Mental and Sentimental horizon of Jack Randolph.

      XIX. O'Halloran's again.—A Startling Revelation.—The Lady of the Ice. —Found at Last.—Confusion, Embarrassment, Reticence, and Shyness, succeeded by Wit, Fascination, Laughter, and Witching Smiles.

      XX. "Our Symposium," as O'Halloran called it.—High and mighty Discourse.

      —General inspection of Antiquity by a Learned Eye.—A Discourse upon

       the "Oioneesoizin" of the English language.—Homeric Translations.

      —O'Halloran And Burns.—A new Epoch for the Brogue.—The Dinner of

       Achilles and the Palace of Antinous.

      XXI. Jack once more.—The Woes of a Lover.—Not Wisely but too Many.—While Jack is telling his Little Story, the ones whom he thus entertains have a Separate Meeting.—The Bursting of the Storm.—The Letter of "Number Three."—The Widow and Miss Phillips.—Jack has to avail himself of the aid of a Chaplain of Her Majesty's Forces.—Jack an Injured Man.

      XXII. I Reveal my Secret.—Tremendous effects of the Revelation.—Mutual Explanations, which are by no means Satisfactory. Jack Stands Up for what he calls His Rights.—Remonstrances and Reasonings, ending in a General Row.—Jack makes a Declaration of War, and takes his Departure in a state of Unparalleled Huffiness.

      XXIII. A Friend becomes an Enemy.—Meditations on the Ancient and Venerable

       Fable of the Dog in the Manger.—The Corruption of the Human Heart.

      —Consideration of the Whole Situation.—Attempts to Countermine Jack,

       and Final Resolve.

      XXIV. Tremendous Excitement.—The Hour Approaches, and with it the Man.

      —The Lady of the Ice.—A Tumultuous Meeting.—Outpouring of Tender

       Emotions.—Agitation of the Lady.—A Sudden Interruption.—An Injured

       Man, an Awful, Fearful, Direful, and Utterly-crushing Revelation.—Who

       is the Lady of the Ice?

      XXV. Recovery from the last Great Shock.—Geniality of mine Host.—Off again among Antiquities.—The Fenians.—A Startling Revelation by one of the Inner Circle.—Politics, Poetry, and Pathos.—Far-reaching Plans and Deep-seated Purposes.

      XXVI. A few Parting Words with O'Halloran.—His touching Parental Tenderness, High Chivalric Sentiment, and lofty sense of Honor.—Pistols for Two.—Pleasant and Harmonious Arrangement.—"Me Boy, Ye're and Honor to Yer Sex!"

      XXVII. Sensational!—Terrific!—Tremendous!—I leave the house in Strange Whirl.—A Storm.—The Driving Sleet.—I Wander About.—The voices of the Storm, and of the River.—The clangor of the Bells.—The Shadow in the Doorway.—The Mysterious Companion.—A Terrible Walk.—Familiar Voices.—Sinking into Senselessness.—The Lady of the Ice is Revealed At Last amid the Storm!

      XXVIII. My Lady of the Ice.—Snow and Sleet.—Reawakening.—A Desperate

       Situation.—Saved a Second Time.—Snatched from a Worse Fate.—Borne in

       My Arms Once More.—The Open Door.

      XXIX. Puzzling Questions which cannot be Answered as yet.—A Step toward Reconcilation.—Reunion of a Broken Friendship.—Pieces all Collected and Joined.—Joy of Jack.—Solemn Debates over the Great Puzzle of the period.—Friendly Conferences and Confidences.—An Important Communication.

      XXX. A Letter!—Strange Hesitation.—Gloomy Forebodings.—Jack down deep in

       the Dumps.—Fresh Confessions.—Why he Missed the Tryst.—Remorse and

       Revenge.—Jack's Vows of Vengeance.—A very Singular and Unaccountable

       Character.—Jack's Gloomy Menaces.

      XXXI. A Friendly Call.—Preliminaries of the Duel Neatly Arranged.—A Damp

       Journey, and Depressed Spirits.—A Secluded Spot.—Difficulties

       which attend a Duel in a Canadian Spring.—A Masterly Decision.

      —Debates about the niceties of the Code of Honor.—Who shall have the

       First Shot, Struggle for Precedence.—A very Singular and Obstinate

       Dispute.—I save O'Halloran from Death by Rheumatism.

      XXXII. Home again.—The Growls of a Confirmed Growler.—Hospitality.—The

       well-known Room.—Vision of a Lady.—Alone with Marion.—Interchange of

       Thought and Sentiment.—Two Beautiful Women.—An Evening to be

       Remembered.—The Conviviality of O'Halloran.—The Humors of

       O'Halloran, and his Bacchic Joy.

      XXXIII. From April to June.—Tempora Mutantur, et nos Mutamur in Illis.

      —Startling Change in Marion!—And Why?—Jack and his Woes.—The

       Vengeance СКАЧАТЬ