Microgrid Technologies. Группа авторов
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СКАЧАТЬ Publishers at Scrivener

      Martin Scrivener ([email protected])

      Phillip Carmical ([email protected])

      Microgrid Technologies

      Edited by

       C. Sharmeela, P. Sivaraman,

       P. Sanjeevikumar,


       Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen

      © 2021 Scrivener Publishing LLC

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      Power electronics—as a broader technology—fits into modern digital power e-grid, transport, and renewable energy. Editing a book on the current requirements and prospective scope is a challenge to qualify and accomplish according to the market requirements and end-user benefits. It is my pleasure to write a foreword to this book edited/written by my colleagues from Aalborg University, Esbjerg, Denmark and Anna University, Chennai, India—“Microgrid Technologies,” which is giving viable solutions to the demands. With my read-through of the book, I have identified that the content is inventive and enriched with techno-fiscals, a model for upcoming activities for the academic, researchers, and industrialists, from whom we hope the microgrids will be adapted in their work.

      Microgrids are a digital power electronics innovation in new energy operation for electrical energy management with grid-connected or island mode configuration within micro-, macro-, or even nano-energy requirements. A methodical manner and straightforward presentation with all prospects, this book is made up of architectures, theories of AC and DC microgrids, sociocommercial features, energy stream and operation, renewable integration, control techniques, application of artificial intelligence, and analytical simulation examples of microgrid technologies. It is a unified contribution by international authors from Europe, India, Canada, South Africa, Egypt, and Thailand.

       Critical Subjects Covered in This Volume

       The state of the art in renewable energy system-based microgrid includes grid-connected and island structures, distributed energy storage schemes, energy and power management, load flow evaluation, protection, and coordination.

       Digital techniques, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), communications, etc. are also included.

       Detailed studies culminate with the analytical result for frequency regulation in a low inertia system, PSO algorithm-based UPQC controller, and power quality enhancement too.

       Modeling of smart meters using the most recent technologies of “game theory,” “relaxation algorithm,” “bi-level algorithm,” and “Nikaido–Isoda formulation” for energy exchange centers and bidding strategies—a scope/look to the future digitalized microgrid in renewables is also an interesting prospect of the book.

      From an overall perspective, this book presents the fundamental concepts of modernizing the microgrids as a thirst area of more ample opportunity, and contributes to original research study findings. Therefore, this book is a handy source, offering new interest for electrical power engineers and renewable operators/state regulators.

      This book is a strong addition for readers to enjoy sharing proficiency in the exciting field of microgrids. Finally, I congratulate the Editors, Contributors, and the Wiley-Scrivener Publishing, USA, for the work to bring this into reality with prompt and sharp-quality delivery.

      Enjoy reading the book.

      Prof. Frede Blaabjerg, Fellow IEEE

      Villum Investigator Full Professor

      IEEE President – Power Electronics Society

      Center of Reliable Power Electronics (CORPE)

      Department СКАЧАТЬ