Princess history. V. Speys
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Название: Princess history

Автор: V. Speys

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9785005341518


СКАЧАТЬ that you would learn a lot About what will give you power and power to rule Egypt when I do not.»

      «Father, you are still young and full of strength, and so often you tell me About my government.» – Cleared Cleopatra.

      «After our exile, as a crow flies over the body of a wounded warrior, a flock of robbers of Romans of all colors attack Egypt, we need to be prepared for anything that does not happen.» – With a sigh answered the daughter of Avlet.

      The panorama of palm gardens opened to the caravan’s eyes with lush vegetation and the blue of large lakes. The terrain sloped downward, forming a wide valley around the rock on which the temple of the Oracle of Amun Ra is erected, as if hovering over the tops of date palms and olive trees.

      The sands were gradually replaced by stony soil, and the lush date and olive gardens left the horizon. Approaching the gardens, the palms almost completely concealed the temple, their tops.

      Between the two gardens of date palms on the caravan’s path, suddenly a huge round pool was laid out with hewn stones, with a stepped staircase descending directly into the water. Soldiers guarding, tied their horses to palm trees, and in clothes began to throw from the shore directly into the water. Some of them could not swim, and went to the bottom, crying for help. The comrades helped them to get ashore. There were incredible, joyful cries from the heavenly bliss of ablution with cool water. Ptolemy and his daughter were standing on the slabs of the pool with smiles on their faces. Cleopatra suddenly took off her blue veil, remaining in a white tunic, ran down the stairs to the pool and began to scream and laugh in the pool water. Two guards standing on both hands of the pharaoh, watched with tension the princess, threatening the soldiers, so as not to dare to approach the royal person. Finally the soldiers noticed Cleopatra. They began to get out of the water on the stone slabs of the opposite shore and shout out so that Pharaoh could hear them:

      «Thank God, Amon Ra, who sent us the pool of Princess Cleopatra?»

      The princess heard her name in the Egyptian dialect, shouted back:

      – Peace to the people of Egypt and prosperity, be it to you!

      She got out of the water, and, going up to her father, said:

      «I have such bliss as here in these waters of the basin, called by the people my name just now, I have never felt. Truly it is necessary to pass through the desert to plunge into these divine waters, which give healing to the decline of forces from the sand of hell.

      Pharaoh indulgently turned his head towards his daughter and majestically replied:

      «Come, the priests of the sanctuary of the Oracle await us.» – Having said this, Ptolemy turned towards the city, through which Pharaoh and his daughter had to go, accompanied by two guards to the temple. Cleopatra gave her veil to a slave girl who served her on the way and herself in a wet yet tunic followed her father to the capital of the oasis of Agurmi.

      Security soldiers were engaged with a representative of local officials, who was engaged in caravan accommodation and accommodation.

      The road again went up, and the roofs of the houses were already visible above the high city wall. From the Cleopatra’s basin with the date palm garden, Pharaoh and her daughter, accompanied by two guards, walked unhurriedly to the city wall, along the road trampled by the pickers of dates and olives from the gardens that grow on its both sides. Earlier, the horses and camels of the caravan were arranged, arranging them for rest, while the soldiers and Cleopatra splashed in the pool. Pharaoh and his companions entered the wide open city gates, skillfully made from palm tree and painted in blue. All houses were made from a clay straw mixture with manure that became hard in the sun like a rock. The road led to the square where the pilgrims saw before the benches of hay, the camels were chewing the food slowly. The horses of the guard snorted beside the tether. Leather bags with oats are fixed at horse mouths.

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