Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades. Florence Holbrook
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Название: Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades

Автор: Florence Holbrook

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664625816


СКАЧАТЬ It is honey, Mr. Wolf. I am taking it to my dear grandmother.

      Wolf. Are you all alone in the wood, my child? Isn't your mother with you? Aren't you afraid?

      Little Red Riding-Hood. Afraid? no, indeed! Why should I be afraid? All the animals are my friends.

      Wolf. Oh, yes, of course they are all your friends! But is it far to your grandmother's house?

      Little Red Riding-Hood. No, Mr. Wolf, only about half a mile. You go down this path to the mill and then turn to the right, and the first house you come to is my grandmother's. It's a little red house.

      Wolf. Oh, that is very easy to find! But I know a shorter way through the wood. Let us run a race and see who will get there first.

      Little Red Riding-Hood. All right, Mr. Wolf. Good-by!

      Wolf. Ugh, ugh; good-by!

      Little Red Riding-Hood. How fast he runs! I know he will win the race. How surprised dear grandma will be when Mr. Wolf knocks at the door! Now I see the mill. I will sing the pretty mill song we learned in school the other day.

      [Begins to sing, then stops suddenly.]

      Oh, there is the miller. Good morning, Mr. Miller! Have you seen Mr. Wolf go by?

      Miller. No, little Red Riding-Hood. Have you seen a wolf in the wood?

      Little Red Riding-Hood. Yes, Mr. Miller, and he said he would race with me to my grandmother's house.

      Miller. My dear child, I will call the men who are chopping trees in the forest and they will catch Mr. Wolf. He is no friend of ours, and you must not talk with him, for he is cruel and will do you harm.

      Little Red Riding-Hood. Will he? Then I will never say another word to him. But I must hurry on to dear grandmother's.

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      Little Red Riding-Hood. Here I am at the door; I will knock. May I come in, dear grandmother?

      Wolf (in the house). Open the latch and walk in.

      Little Red Riding-Hood. Here I am, dear grandmother! I am so glad the bad wolf did not get here first. Are you so sick you must stay in bed? See the nice butter and honey that mother sent you. And see the pretty flowers I've brought you.

      Wolf. Thank you, my child.

      Little Red Riding-Hood. How rough your voice is, grandmother!

      Wolf. That's because I've such a bad cold.

      Little Red Riding-Hood. But how bright your eyes are, grandmother!

      Wolf. The better to see you, my child.

      Little Red Riding-Hood. How long your arms are, grandmother!

      Wolf. The better to hold you, my child.

      Little Red Riding-Hood. And how big your teeth are, grandmother!

      Wolf. The better to eat you—ugh! ugh!

      [The miller and the wood choppers rush in.]

      Mr. Miller. Here's an end to you, Mr. Wolf! These men with their axes will stop your cruel deeds.

      [The wolf runs out, followed by the men.]

      Come, little Red Riding-Hood, don't be afraid. The wolf can't harm you now. Here is your grandmother, who has just come home from the village. She will take care of you.

      Little Red Riding-Hood. Dear grandmother! I thought that the wolf was you.

      Grandmother. Darling little Red Riding-Hood! How glad I am that you are safe. Now you must stay with me till your mother comes, and we will tell her how the brave men saved you and me from the hungry wolf. Won't she be glad to see her little Red Riding-Hood again?

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      PERSONS IN THE PLAY—Goldilocks, the Dollie, Father Bear, Mother Bear, Baby Bear

       Table of Contents

      Goldilocks. O dear! I do wish mother would come home. I am going to meet her. She told me not to go out of the garden lest I should get lost; but if I keep in the road, I can't get lost! Come, Dollie, you and I will go just a little way to meet mamma.

      How warm it is in the sunshine! I think we shall go into the shady wood a little while. Let us pick some of these pretty flowers to make a wreath—won't mother be surprised when I show her all these flowers. Here is a lovely red one; and here's another like a daisy.

      How dark it is here! I cannot see the road. I wonder if I'm lost! O mamma, mamma! I'm afraid. Dear Dollie, I'm glad you are with me.

      Dollie. But I'm afraid, too!

      Goldilocks. Please, dear Dollie, don't be afraid. Why, there's nothing to be afraid of—oh!

      Dollie. What is the matter, Goldilocks?

      Goldilocks. Look, what is that?

      Dollie. I don't see anything.

      Goldilocks. I thought I saw a bear.

      Dollie. Well, I hope not. I don't like bears.

      Goldilocks. But there is a little house. Isn't it a funny little house? I wonder who lives there!

      Dollie. Dear Goldilocks, please, don't you think we'd better go home? I don't like strange little houses in the wood.

      Goldilocks. Perhaps a kind fairy lives there who will show us the way home.

      Dollie. Yes, or perhaps she is the Gingerbread Witch who will turn us into gingerbread for her supper!

      Goldilocks. Don't say such uncomfortable things, Dollie. She couldn't turn you into gingerbread, anyway.

      Dollie. Well, I know СКАЧАТЬ