Mr. Midshipman Easy. Фредерик Марриет
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Название: Mr. Midshipman Easy

Автор: Фредерик Марриет

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664627421


СКАЧАТЬ to observe, that if you are too particular in that point, you will have some difficulty in providing yourself.”

      “Well, I shall see,” replied Mrs. Easy.

      “And I shall feel,” rejoined the husband.

      This parleying was interrupted by the arrival of the very person in question, who was announced by the housemaid, and was ushered in. She was a handsome, florid, healthy-looking girl, awkward and naïve in her manner, and apparently not overwise; there was more of the dove than of the serpent in her composition.

      Mr. Easy, who was very anxious to make his own discoveries, was the first who spoke. “Young woman, come this way, I wish to examine your head.”

      “Oh! dear me, sir, it’s quite clean, I assure you,” cried the girl, dropping a curtsey.

      Dr. Middleton, who sat between the bed and Mr. Easy’s chair, rubbed his hands and laughed.

      In the meantime, Mr. Easy had untied the string and taken off the cap of the young woman, and was very busy putting his fingers through her hair, during which the face of the young woman expressed fear and astonishment.

      “I am glad to perceive that you have a large portion of benevolence.”

      “Yes,” replied the young woman, dropping a curtsey.

      “And veneration also.”

      “Thanky, sir.”

      “And the organ of modesty is strongly developed.”

      “Yes, sir,” replied the girl, with a smile.

      “That’s quite a new organ,” thought Dr. Middleton.

      “Philo-progenitiveness very powerful.”

      “If you please, sir, I don’t know what that is,” answered Sarah, with a curtsey.

      “Nevertheless you have given us a practical illustration. Mrs. Easy, I am satisfied. Have you any questions to ask? But it is quite unnecessary.”

      “To be sure, I have, Mr. Easy. Pray, young woman, what is your name?”

      “Sarah, if you please, ma’am.”

      “How long have you been married?”

      “Married, ma’am?”

      “Yes, married.”

      “If you please, ma’am, I had a misfortune, ma’am,” replied the girl, casting down her eyes.

      “What, have you not been married?”

      “No, ma’am, not yet.”

      “Good heavens! Dr. Middleton, what can you mean by bringing this person here?” exclaimed Mrs. Easy. “Not a married woman, and she has a child!”

      “If you please, ma’am,” interrupted the young woman, dropping a curtsey, “it was a very little one.”

      “A very little one!” explained Mrs. Easy.

      “Yes, ma’am, very small indeed, and died soon after it was born.”

      “Oh, Dr. Middleton!—what could you mean, Dr. Middleton?”

      “My dear madam,” exclaimed the doctor, rising from his chair, “this is the only person that I could find suited to the wants of your child, and if you do not take her, I cannot answer for its life. It is true that a married woman might be procured; but married women who have a proper feeling will not desert their own children; and, as Mr. Easy asserts, and you appear to imagine, the temper and disposition of your child may be affected by the nourishment it receives, I think it more likely to be injured by the milk of a married woman who will desert her own child for the sake of gain. The misfortune which has happened to this young woman is not always a proof of a bad heart, but of strong attachment, and the overweening confidence of simplicity.”

      “You are correct, doctor,” replied Mr. Easy, “and her head proves that she is a modest young woman, with strong religious feeling, kindness of disposition, and every other requisite.”

      “The head may prove it all for what I know, Mr. Easy, but her conduct tells another tale.”

      “She is well fitted for the situation, ma’am,” continued the doctor.

      “And if you please, ma’am,” rejoined Sarah, “it was such a little one.”

      “Shall I try the baby, ma’am?” said the monthly nurse, who had listened in silence. “It is fretting so, poor thing, and has its dear little fist right down its throat.”

      Dr. Middleton gave the signal of assent, and in a few seconds Master John Easy was fixed to Sarah as tight as a leech.

      “Lord love it, how hungry it is—there, there, stop it a moment, it’s choking, poor thing!”

      Mrs. Easy, who was lying on her bed, rose up, and went to the child. Her first feeling was that of envy, that another should have such a pleasure which was denied to herself, the next that of delight, at the satisfaction expressed by the infant. In a few minutes the child fell back in a deep sleep. Mrs. Easy was satisfied; maternal feelings conquered all others, and Sarah was duly installed.

      To make short work of it, we have said that Jack Easy in six months was in shorts. He soon afterwards began to crawl and show his legs; indeed, so indecorously, that it was evident that he had imbibed no modesty with Sarah’s milk, neither did he appear to have gained veneration or benevolence, for he snatched at everything, squeezed the kitten to death, scratched his mother, and pulled his father by the hair; notwithstanding all which, both his father and mother and the whole household declared him to be the finest and sweetest child in the universe. But if we were to narrate all the wonderful events of Jack’s childhood from the time of his birth up to the age of seven years, as chronicled by Sarah, who continued his dry nurse after he had been weaned, it would take at least three volumes folio. Jack was brought up in the way that every only child usually is—that is, he was allowed to have his own way.

       Table of Contents

      In which the Doctor prescribes going to school as a remedy for a cut finger.

      “Have you no idea of putting the boy to school, Mr. Easy?” said Dr. Middleton, who had been summoned by a groom with his horse in a foam to attend immediately at Forest Hill, the name of Mr. Easy’s mansion, and who, upon his arrival, had found that Master Easy had cut his thumb. One would have thought that he had cut his head off by the agitation pervading the whole household—Mr. Easy walking up and down very uneasy, Mrs. Easy with great difficulty prevented from syncope, and all the maids bustling and passing round Mrs. Easy’s chair. Everybody appeared excited except Master Jack Easy himself, who, with a rag round his finger, and his pinafore spotted with blood, was playing at bob-cherry, and cared nothing about the matter.

      “Well, what’s СКАЧАТЬ