The Complete Works. William Butler Yeats
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Название: The Complete Works

Автор: William Butler Yeats

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066310004



      I answered—and the word was half your own—

      That he should guard them as the Men of Dea

      Guard their four treasures, as the Grail King guards

      His holy cup, or the pale, righteous horse

      The jewel that is underneath his horn,

      Pouring out life for it as one pours out

      Sweet heady wine. … But now I understand;

      You would refute me out of my own mouth;

      And yet a place at table, near the King,

      Is nothing of great moment, Seanchan.

      How does so light a thing touch poetry?

      [Seanchan is now sitting up. He still looks dreamily in front of him.


      At Candlemas you called this poetry

      One of the fragile, mighty things of God,

      That die at an insult.


       [To other PUPILS.]

      Give me some true answer,

      For on that day we spoke about the Court,

      And said that all that was insulted there

      The world insulted, for the Courtly life,

      Being the first comely child of the world,

      Is the world’s model. How shall I answer him?

      Can you not give me some true argument?

      I will not tempt him with a lying one.


      O, tell him that the lovers of his music

      Have need of him.


      But I am labouring

      For some that shall be born in the nick o’ time,

      And find sweet nurture, that they may have voices,

      Even in anger, like the strings of harps;

      And how could they be born to majesty

      If I had never made the golden cradle?


       [Throwing himself at SEANCHAN’S feet.]

      Why did you take me from my father’s fields?

      If you would leave me now, what shall I love?

      Where shall I go? What shall I set my hand to?

      And why have you put music in my ears,

      If you would send me to the clattering houses?

      I will throw down the trumpet and the harp,

      For how could I sing verses or make music

      With none to praise me, and a broken heart?


      What was it that the poets promised you,

      If it was not their sorrow? Do not speak.

      Have I not opened school on these bare steps,

      And are not you the youngest of my scholars?

      And I would have all know that when all falls

      In ruin, poetry calls out in joy,

      Being the scattering hand, the bursting pod,

      The victim’s joy among the holy flame,

      God’s laughter at the shattering of the world.

      And now that joy laughs out, and weeps and burns

      On these bare steps.


      O master, do not die!


      Trouble him with no useless argument.

      Be silent! There is nothing we can do

      Except find out the King and kneel to him,

      And beg our ancient right.

      For here are some

      To say whatever we could say and more,

      And fare as badly. Come, boy, that is no use.

      [Raises YOUNGEST PUPIL.

      If it seem well that we beseech the King,

      Lay down your harps and trumpets on the stones

      In silence, and come with me silently.

      Come with slow footfalls, and bow all your heads,

      For a bowed head becomes a mourner best.

      [They lay harps and trumpets down one by one, and then go out very solemnly and slowly, following one another. Enter MAYOR, TWO CRIPPLES, and BRIAN, an old servant. The mayor, who has been heard, before he came upon the stage, muttering ‘Chief Poet,’ ‘Ireland,’ etc., crosses in front of SEANCHAN to the other side of the steps. BRIAN takes food out of basket. The CRIPPLES are watching the basket. The MAYOR has an Ogham stick in his hand.


       [As he crosses.]

      ‘Chief Poet,’ ‘Ireland,’ ‘Townsman,’ ‘Grazing land,’

      Those are the words I have to keep in mind—

      ‘Chief Poet,’ ‘Ireland,’ ‘Townsman,’ ‘Grazing land.’

      I have the words. They are all upon the Ogham.

      ‘Chief Poet,’ ‘Ireland,’ ‘Townsman,’ ‘Grazing land.’

      But what’s their order?

      [He keeps muttering over his speech during what follows.


      The King were rightly served

      If Seanchan drove his good luck СКАЧАТЬ