A Girl of the Limberlost & Freckles (2 Romance Classics). Stratton-Porter Gene
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Название: A Girl of the Limberlost & Freckles (2 Romance Classics)

Автор: Stratton-Porter Gene

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066397364


СКАЧАТЬ ection>

      Gene Stratton-Porter

      A Girl of the Limberlost & Freckles (2 Romance Classics)


      OK Publishing, 2020

       [email protected] Tous droits réservés.

      EAN 4064066397364

      Table of Contents


       A Girl of the Limberlost


       Table of Contents


       CHAPTER I Wherein Great Risks Are Taken and the Limberlost Guard Is Hired

       CHAPTER II Wherein Freckles Proves His Mettle and Finds Friends

       CHAPTER III Wherein a Feather Falls and a Soul Is Born

       CHAPTER IV Wherein Freckles Faces Trouble Bravely and Opens the Way for New Experiences

       CHAPTER V Wherein an Angel Materializes and a Man Worships

       CHAPTER VI Wherein a Fight Occurs and Women Shoot Straight

       CHAPTER VII Wherein Freckles Wins Honor and Finds a Footprint on the Trail

       CHAPTER VIII Wherein Freckles Meets a Man of Affairs and Loses Nothing by the Encounter

       CHAPTER IX Wherein the Limberlost Falls upon Mrs. Duncan and Freckles Comes to the Rescue

       CHAPTER X Wherein Freckles Strives Mightily and the Swamp Angel Rewards Him

       CHAPTER XI Wherein the Butterflies Go on a Spree and Freckles Informs the Bird Woman

       CHAPTER XII Wherein Black Jack Captures Freckles and the Angel Captures Jack

       CHAPTER XIII Wherein the Angel Releases Freckles, and the Curse of Black Jack Falls upon Her

       CHAPTER XIV Wherein Freckles Nurses a Heartache and Black Jack Drops Out

       CHAPTER XV Wherein Freckles and the Angel Try Taking a Picture, and Little Chicken Furnishes the Subject

       CHAPTER XVI Wherein the Angel Locates a Rare Tree and Dines with the Gang

       CHAPTER XVII Wherein Freckles Offers His Life for His Love and Gets a Broken Body

       CHAPTER XVIII Wherein Freckles refuses Love Without Knowledge of Honorable Birth, and the Angel Goes in Quest of it

       CHAPTER XIX Wherein Freckles Finds His Birthright and the Angel Loses Her Heart

       CHAPTER XX Wherein Freckles returns to the Limberlost, and Lord O'More Sails for Ireland Without Him

      To all good Irishmen in general


      in particular


       Table of Contents

      FRECKLES, a plucky waif who guards the Limberlost timber leases and dreams of Angels.

       THE SWAMP ANGEL, in whom Freckles' sweetest dream materializes.

       MCLEAN, a member of a Grand Rapids lumber company, who befriends Freckles.

       MRS. DUNCAN, who gives mother-love and a home to Freckles.

       DUNCAN, head teamster of McLean's timber gang.

       THE BIRD WOMAN, who is collecting camera studies of birds for a book.

       LORD AND LADY O'MORE, who come from Ireland in quest of a lost relative.

       THE MAN OF AFFAIRS, brusque of manner, but big of heart.

       WESSNER, a Dutch timber-thief who wants rascality made easy.

       BLACK JACK, a villain to whom thought of repentance comes too late.

       SEARS, camp cook.


      Wherein Great Risks Are Taken and the Limberlost Guard Is Hired

       Table of Contents

      Freckles came down the corduroy that crosses the lower end of the Limberlost. At a glance he might have been mistaken for a tramp, but he was truly seeking work. He was intensely eager to belong somewhere and to be attached to almost any enterprise that would furnish him food and clothing.

      Long before he came in sight of the camp of the Grand Rapids СКАЧАТЬ