Select List of Books ... Relating to the Far East. Various
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Название: Select List of Books ... Relating to the Far East

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066141004


СКАЧАТЬ was published in Scribner's Magazine for April, 1902."

      Machat, J. Le développement économique de la Russie.

      Paris: A. Colin, 1902. xvi, 310, (4) pp. Maps. Diagrams. 12o.

      "Bibliographie": pp. xiii-xvi.

      Miliukov, Pavel Nikolaevich. Essais sur l'histoire de la civilisation russe. Traduit du russe par P. Dramas & D. Soskice. Avec une préface de Lucien Herr.

      Paris: V. Giard & E. Brière, 1901. viii, 295, (2) pp. Maps. Diagrams. 8o.

      Contents: Introduction—1. ptie. La population—2. ptie. L'évolution économique—3. ptie. L'évolution de l'état—4. ptie. La structure sociale—Conclusions—Cartes et diagrammes.

      Morfill, William Richard. A history of Russia from the birth of Peter the Great to Nicholas II.

      New York: J. Pott & co., 1902. viii, 486 pp. Frontispiece. Maps (partly folded). 12o.

      —— The story of Russia.

      New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1890. xix, (1), 394 pp. Frontispiece (portrait). Illustrations. Portraits. Folded maps. 12o. (The story of the nations.)

      Niet, pseud. La Russie d'aujourd'hui. Le tsar.—Les grands-ducs.—Les ministres.—La société.—Les finances.—La police.—L'administration.—La diplomatie, etc.

      Paris: F. Juven, [1902]. (4), 312 pp. 12o.

      Author's pseudonym, "Niet," at head of title. "Une grande partie de cette étude a paru, en fragments publiés chaque semaine à l'Echo de Paris."

      "Ce livre trouve une actualité brûlante dans les événements de notre heure; toutes les phases du grand drame qui commence ont été prévues par Niet, si sincèrement, avec une documentation si incontestable, qu'on a voulu lire bien des noms de diplomates sous l'anonymat de son auteur."

      Palmer, Francis H. E. Russian life in town and country.

      New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1901. xi, (2), 320 pp. Plates. 12o. (Our European neighbours.)

      Rambaud, Alfred Nicolas. Histoire de la Russie depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours. 5. éd. rev. et complétée jusqu'en 1900.

      Paris: Hachette & cie., 1900. (4), 922, (2) pp. Maps. 12o. (Historie universelle.)

      "Note bibliographique": pp. [897]-914.

      —— The history of Russia from the earliest times to 1877. Translated by Leonora B. Lang, with additional chapters covering the period from 1877 to 1904, by G. Mercer Adam.

      A. L. Burt company, publishers, New York, [1904]. 2 vols. Frontispieces. Plates. Portraits. 12o.


      Rambaud, Alfred Nicolas. A popular history of Russia from the earliest times to 1880. Translated by L. B. Lang. Edited and enlarged by Nathan Haskell Dole. Including a history of the Turko-Russian war of 1877–78, from the best authorities, by the editor.

      Boston: D. Estes and C. E. Lauriat, 1880–1882. 3 vols. Plates. Portraits. Maps. 8o.

      Regelsperger, Gustave. Les Russes en Asie.

      (In Revue universelle, vol. 2, May 15, 1902, pp. 261–266.)

      Russia. Aperçu statistique des chemins de fer et des voies navigables de la Russie. Avec annexe de cartes et de tableaux graphiques. Section de statistique et de cartographie du Ministère des voies de communication.

      St.-Pétersbourg: Impr. du Ministère des voies de communication (J. N. Kouchnereff & cie), 1900. (8), 180 pp. 2 folded maps. 4 folded statistical diagrams. 8o.

      "Rédigé pour l'Exposition universelle de 1900 à Paris."

      —— Statesman's handbook for Russia. Edited by the Chancery of the Committee of ministers.

      St. Petersburg: E. Thiele, 1896. 2 vols. 8o.

      Contents: I. Preface. Unity of the Russian empire. State organization. Rights of subjects. State administration. Separate branches of state administration. Material resources.—II. Spiritual welfare: 1. Ecclesiastical institutions. 2. National education. 3. Institutions of the Empress Mary. Policy of security. Justice. Local government and self government. Appendix: Races inhabiting the Russian empire.

      —— The industries of Russia, by the Department of trade and manufactures, Ministry of finance for the World's Columbian exposition at Chicago. Editor of the English translation, John Martin Crawford.

      St. Petersburg: [Trenke & Fusnot, printers], 1893. 5 vols. in 4. Maps. Diagrams. 4o.

      Contents: I-II. Manufactures and trade.—III. Agriculture and forestry.—IV. Mining and metallurgy.—V. Siberia and the great Siberian railway.

      La Russie, géographique, ethnologique, historique, administrative, économique, religieuse, littéraire, artistique, scientifique, pittoresque, etc. Par MM. L. Delavaud, Girard de Rialle, Ch. Rabot, Alfred Rambaud, Albert Vandal, Maxime Petit, G. Regelsperger, Ernest Lehr, Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, Désiré Lecroix, Arthur Raffalovich, G. Lejeal, Louis Leger, E. M. de Vogüe, Maurice Tourneux, Maurice Vachon, Arthur Pougin, J. Grand-Carteret, Michel Delines, Mme Lydie Paschkof, A. André, baron de Montalbo, Camille Couderc. 3. éd.

      Paris: Larousse, [1900]. 490 pp. Illustrations. Portraits. Plans. Maps (partly folded). Folded facsimilies. 8o.

      Schierbrand, Wolf von. Russia, her strength and her weakness; a study of the present condition of the Russian empire, with an analysis of its resources and a forecast of its future.

      New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1904. xiv, (2), 304 pp. Folded maps. 8o.

      Strannik, Ivan. La pensée russe contemporaine.

      Paris: A. Colin, 1903. (4), 266, (2) pp. 12o.

      Contents: Introduction.—L'impuissance de vivre. Tchékhov.—L'esprit de vagabondage. Gorki.—Le sentiment de la pitié. Korolenko.—Orthodoxie et hétérodoxie. Tolstoï.—L'esprit sectaire. Les Doukhobors.


      Thompson, Herbert M. Russian politics.

      New York: H. Holt and company, 1896. xi, (11), 289 pp. Folded maps. Folded table. 12o.

      Tikhomirov, Lev Aleksandrovich. Russia, political and social; translated from the French by Edward Aveling. 2d ed.

      London: S. Sonnenschein & co., 1892. 2 vols. 8o. (Library of standard authors.)

      Contents: I. The Russian empire and Russia. Russian Russia: Germans and Jews. The social classes in Russia: the people; the clergy, СКАЧАТЬ