English Economic History: Select Documents. Various
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Название: English Economic History: Select Documents

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664561329


СКАЧАТЬ 9. The First Factory Act, 1802 571 9A. Minutes of Committee on Children in Factories 573 10. Calico Printers' Petition for Regulation, 1804 573 11. Report on Calico Printers' Petition, 1806 574 12. Cotton Weavers' Petition against the Repeal of 5 Elizabeth, c. 4, 1813 576 13. Debates on the Regulation of Apprentices, 1813–14 577 14. Resolutions of the Watchmakers on Apprenticeship, 1817 588 15. Report of the Committee on the Ribbon Weavers, 1818 590 16. The Cotton Factory Act of 1819 591 17. Oastler's First Letter on Yorkshire Slavery, 1830 592 18. Factory Act, 1833 594 19. Proposals for a Wages Board for Hand-Loom Weavers, 1834 596 20. Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1842 598 21. Debate on Factory Legislation, 1844 599 22. Factory Act, 1844 612 23. Recommendations of the Commission on the Health of Towns, 1845 614



1. A Strike of the Journeymen Feltmakers, 1696–99 619
2. A Petition of Master Tailors against Combination among the Journeymen, 1721 622
3. A Dispute in the Northumberland and Durham Coal Industry, 1765 625
4. Sickness and Unemployment Benefit Clubs among the Woolcombers, 1794 626
5. Combination Act, 1799 626
6. Combination Act, 1800 627
7. The Scottish Weavers' Strike, 1812 631
8. The Repeal of the Combination Acts, 1824 633
9. A Prosecution of Strikers under the Common Law of Conspiracy, 1810 635
10. An Act Revising the Law affecting Combinations, 1825 636
11. The Conviction of the Dorchester Labourers, 1834 638
12. An Address of the Working Men's Association to Queen Victoria, 1837 641
13. A Chartist Manifesto on the Sacred Month, 1839 642
14. The Rochdale Pioneers, 1844 643



1. Settlement Law, 1662 647
2. Defoe's Pamphlet "Giving Alms no Charity", 1704 649
3. The Workhouse Test Act, 1722 650
4. Gilbert's Act, 1782 652
5. Speenhamland "Act of Parliament", 1795 655
6. The Workhouse System, 1797 657
7. Two Varieties of the Roundsman System of Relief, 1797 660 СКАЧАТЬ