English Economic History: Select Documents. Various
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Название: English Economic History: Select Documents

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664561329



      [66] Fine Roll, 8 Edward II., m. 19.

      [67] Scutage Roll, 8–11 Edward II., mm. 2. l.

      [68] Scutage was imposed on all tenants of knights' fees, but might be reclaimed by the lord if he did the service due.

      18. Payment of Fines in Lieu of Knight Service [Patent Roll, 31 Edward I, m. 12d], 1303.

      The King to the sheriff of York, greeting. Though we lately commanded you that you should cause to be summoned archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors and other ecclesiastical persons, and also widows and other women of your bailiwick, who hold of us in chief by knight service or by serjeanty, or hold of the guardianships of archbishoprics and bishoprics or other guardianships or wardships in our hand, that they should have at our side on the feast of Whitsunday next coming at Berwick-upon-Tweed their whole service due to us, well furnished with horses and arms, and ready to march with us and with others our faithful against the Scots, our enemies; wishing, however, on this occasion graciously to spare the labours of the same prelates, religious persons, women and others, who are unskilled in or even unfit for arms, we command you, straitly enjoining, that forthwith on sight of these presents, in full county-court and none the less in market towns and elsewhere throughout the whole of your bailiwick where you shall deem most expedient, you cause it to be publicly proclaimed that the same prelates, religious persons, women and others insufficient or unfit for arms, who owe us their service and are willing to make fine with us for the same service, come before our treasurer and barons of the Exchequer on the morrow of the Ascension of the Lord next coming, or sooner, if they can, at York, or then send some one thither on their behalf, to make fine with us for their service aforesaid, and to pay the same fine to us on the same morrow, to wit, 20l. for a knight's fee and otherwise in proportion to their knight service or serjeanty due to us in this behalf; or else that they be at our side on the aforesaid feast of Whitsunday with horses and arms, and the whole of their service, as they are bound; and that you have this writ at our said Exchequer on the morrow abovesaid. Witness the King at Laneham, 16 April.

      19. The Assessment of a Tallage [Patent Roll, 8 Edward II, p. 1, m. 14, schedule], 1314.

      The King to his beloved and faithful, Hervey de Stanton, Henry le Scrop, John de Merkingfeld and Ralph de Stokes, greeting. Whereas in the sixth year of our reign we caused our cities, boroughs and demesnes throughout England to be tallaged, and certain our lieges to be appointed in the counties of our realm to assess our tallage in our cities, boroughs and demesnes, separately by heads or in common, as they should deem the more expedient for our advantage, and that tallage for certain causes yet remains to be assessed in our city of London: We appoint you to assess that tallage in the city aforesaid and the suburb of the same separately by heads or in common, as you shall deem the more expedient for our advantage. And therefore we command you that without delay you go to the city aforesaid and the suburb of the same to assess the said tallage according to the means of the tenants of the same city and suburb, to wit, from their moveables a fifteenth and from their rents a tenth, so that that tallage be assessed as soon as possible, and the rich be not spared nor the poor burdened overmuch in this behalf; and that after that tallage be assessed in the form aforesaid, you deliver estreats thereof under your seals without delay to our sheriffs of London separately for that tallage to be levied without delay and paid to us at our Exchequer; and that you apply such diligence upon the expedition of the premises that we may deservedly commend you thereupon, in no wise omitting to appear at the Exchequer aforesaid as soon as you conveniently can to certify our treasurer and barons of the Exchequer aforesaid of that which you shall have done in the premises; for we have commanded our sheriffs of the city aforesaid that when they be forewarned by you, three or two of you, they cause to come before you, three or two of you, all those of the city and suburb aforesaid whom they shall deem necessary for the said tallage, and that they be aiding and attending to you hereon, as you shall enjoin upon them on our behalf. In witness whereof, etc. Witness the King at Spalding, 24 October, in the eighth year.

      20. A Writ Precipe [Chancery Files], c. 1200.

      How many and what demesne manors the King has in his hand in every county, as well, to wit, of ancient demesnes of the crown, as of escheats and purchases.

      Also what manors used to be in the hands of Kings, the King's predecessors, and who hold them now and by what warrant and from what time, and by whom and in what manner they were alienated.

      Also touching fees of the lord the King, and his tenants who now hold them of him in chief, and how many fees each of them holds, and what fees used to be holden of the King in chief and are now holden by a mesne lord, and by what mesne, and from what time they have been alienated, and how and by whom.

      Also touching the lands of tenants of the ancient demesne of the crown, as well free sokemen as bond, whether [holden] by bailiffs or by the same tenants, and by what bailiffs and by what tenants, and by whom they have been alienated, how and at what time.

      In like manner let enquiry be made touching the farms of hundreds, wapentakes and ridings, cities, boroughs and other rents whatsoever, and from what time [they have been alienated].

      Also how many hundreds, wapentakes and ridings are now in the hand of the lord the King, and how many and what are in the hands of others, and from what time and by what warrant, and how much each hundred is worth yearly.

      Touching ancient suits, customs, services and other things withdrawn from the lord the King and his ancestors, who have withdrawn them and from what time, and who have appropriated to themselves such suits, customs and other things pertaining to the lord the King and accustomed, and from what time and by what warrant.

      Also touching those who have liberties granted to them by Kings of England and have used them otherwise than they ought to have done, how, from what time, and in what manner.

      Again, touching liberties granted which hinder common justice and subvert royal power, and by whom they were granted, and from what time.

      Further, who have newly appropriated to themselves free chaces СКАЧАТЬ