The Best Psychic Stories. Various
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Название: The Best Psychic Stories

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664651839


СКАЧАТЬ ribs, and he bounded up and away while the thing itself hurled onward in a heavy crashing fall into the underbrush.

      As the noise of the fall ceased, the man stopped and on hands and knees waited. He could hear the thing moving about, searching for him, and he was afraid to advertise his location by attempting further flight. He knew that inevitably he would crackle the underbrush and be pursued. Once he drew out his revolver, then changed his mind. He had recovered his composure and hoped to get away without noise. Several times he heard the thing beating up the thickets for him, and there were moments when it, too, remained still and listened. This gave an idea to the man. One of his hands was resting on a chunk of dead wood. Carefully, first feeling about him in the darkness to know that the full swing of his arm was clear, he raised the chunk of wood and threw it. It was not a large piece, and it went far, landing noisily in a bush. He heard the thing bound into the bush, and at the same time himself crawled steadily away. And on hands and knees, slowly and cautiously, he crawled on, till his knees were wet on the soggy mold. When he listened he heard naught but the moaning wind and the drip-drip of the fog from the branches. Never abating his caution, he stood erect and went on to the stone wall, over which he climbed and dropped down to the road outside.

      Feeling his way in a clump of bushes, he drew out a bicycle and prepared to mount. He was in the act of driving the gear around with his foot for the purpose of getting the opposite pedal in position, when he heard the thud of a heavy body that landed lightly and evidently on its feet. He did not wait for more, but ran, with hands on the handles of his bicycle, until he was able to vault astride the saddle, catch the pedals, and start a spurt. Behind he could hear the quick thud-thud of feet on the dust of the road, but he drew away from it and lost it.

      Unfortunately, he had started away from the direction of town and was heading higher up into the hills. He knew that on this particular road there were no cross roads. The only way back was past that terror, and he could not steel himself to face it. At the end of half an hour, finding himself on an ever increasing grade, he dismounted. For still greater safety, leaving the wheel by the roadside, he climbed through a fence into what he decided was a hillside pasture, spread a newspaper on the ground, and sat down.

      "Gosh!" he said aloud, mopping the sweat and fog from his face.

      And "Gosh!" he said once again, while rolling a cigarette and as he pondered the problem of getting back.

      But he made no attempt to go back. He was resolved not to face that road in the dark, and with head bowed on knees, he dozed, waiting for daylight.

      How long afterward he did not know, he was awakened by the yapping bark of a young coyote. As he looked about and located it on the brow of the hill behind him, he noted the change that had come over the face of the night. The fog was gone; the stars and moon were out; even the wind had died down. It had transformed into a balmy California summer night. He tried to doze again, but the yap of the coyote disturbed him. Half asleep, he heard a wild and eery chant. Looking about him, he noticed that the coyote had ceased its noise and was running away along the crest of the hill, and behind it, in full pursuit, no longer chanting, ran the naked creature he had encountered in the garden. It was a young coyote, and it was being overtaken when the chase passed from view. The man trembled as with a chill as he started to his feet, clambered over the fence, and mounted his wheel. But it was his chance and he knew it. The terror was no longer between him and Mill Valley.

      He sped at a breakneck rate down the hill, but in the turn at the bottom, in the deep shadows, he encountered a chuck-hole and pitched headlong over the handle bar.

      "It's sure not my night," he muttered, as he examined the broken fork of the machine.

      Shouldering the useless wheel, he trudged on. In time he came to the stone wall, and, half disbelieving his experience, he sought in the road for tracks, and found them—moccasin tracks, large ones, deep-bitten into the dust at the toes. It was while bending over them, examining, that again he heard the eery chant. He had seen the thing pursue the coyote, and he knew he had no chance on a straight run. He did not attempt it, contenting himself with hiding in the shadows on the off side of the road.

      And again he saw the thing that was like a naked man, running swiftly and lightly and singing as it ran. Opposite him it paused, and his heart stood still. But instead of coming toward his hiding-place, it leaped into the air, caught the branch of a roadside tree, and swung swiftly upward, from limb to limb, like an ape. It swung across the wall, and a dozen feet above the top, into the branches of another tree, and dropped out of sight to the ground. The man waited a few wondering minutes, then started on.

       Table of Contents

      Dave Slotter leaned belligerently against the desk that barred the way to the private office of James Ward, senior partner of the firm of Ward, Knowles & Co. Dave was angry. Every one in the outer office had looked him over suspiciously, and the man who faced him was excessively suspicious.

      "You just tell Mr. Ward it's important," he urged.

      "I tell you he is dictating and cannot be disturbed," was the answer. "Come to-morrow."

      "To-morrow will be too late. You just trot along and tell Mr. Ward it's a matter of life and death."

      The secretary hesitated and Dave seized the advantage.

      "You just tell him I was across the bay in Mill Valley last night, and that I want to put him wise to something."

      "What name?" was the query.

      "Never mind the name. He don't know me."

      When Dave was shown into the private office, he was still in the belligerent frame of mind, but when he saw a large fair man whirl in a revolving chair from dictating to a stenographer to face him, Dave's demeanor abruptly changed. He did not know why it changed, and he was secretly angry with himself.

      "You are Mr. Ward?" Dave asked with a fatuousness that still further irritated him. He had never intended it at all.

      "Yes," came the answer. "And who are you?"

      "Harry Bancroft," Dave lied. "You don't know me, and my name don't matter."

      "You sent in word that you were in Mill Valley last night?"

      "You live there, don't you?" Dave countered, looking suspiciously at the stenographer.

      "Yes. What do you mean to see me about? I am very busy."

      "I'd like to see you alone, sir."

      Mr. Ward gave him a quick, penetrating look, hesitated, then made up his mind.

      "That will do for a few minutes, Miss Potter."

      The girl arose, gathered her notes together, and passed out. Dave looked at Mr. James Ward wonderingly, until that gentleman broke his train of inchoate thought.


      "I was over in Mill Valley last night," Dave began confusedly.

      "I've heard that before. What do you want?"

      And Dave proceeded in the face of a growing conviction that was unbelievable.

      "I was at your house, or in the grounds, I mean."