The Glaciers of the Alps. John Tyndall
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Название: The Glaciers of the Alps

Автор: John Tyndall

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях


isbn: 4064066237974



      Alone upon the glacier; Lakes and Rivulets; parallel between Glacier and Geological disturbance; splendid rainbow; aspect of the glacier at the base of the Séracs; visit to the Chief Guide at Chamouni; Liberties granted

      9.—The Jardin.61

      Glacier du Talèfre; Jardin divides the névé; Blue Veins near the summit; surrounding scene; Moraines and Avalanches; Cascade du Talèfre; dangers on approaching it from above

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      Lightning and Rain; Spherical hailstones; an evening among the crevasses; Dangerous Leap; ice-practice; preparations for an ascent of Mont Blanc

      11.—First Ascent of Mont Blanc (1857).68

      Across the mountain to the Glacier des Bossons; its crevasses; Ladder left behind; consequent difficulties; the Grands Mulets; Twinkling and change of Colour of the Stars; moonlight on the mountains; start with one guide; difficulties among the crevasses; the Petit Plateau; Séracs of the Dôme du Goûter; bad condition of snow; the Grand Plateau; Coloured Spectra round the sun; the lost Guides; the Route missed; dangerous ice-slope; Guide exhausted; cutting steps; cheerless prospect; the Corridor; the Mur de la Côte; the Petits Mulets; food and drink disappear; Physiological experiences on the Calotte; Summit attained; the Clouds and Mountains; experiment on Sound; colour of the snow; the descent; a solitary prisoner; second night at the Grands Mulets; Inflammation of eyes; a blind man among the crevasses; descent to Chamouni; thunder on Mont Blanc

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      Life at the Montanvert; glacier "Blower;" Cascade of the Talèfre; difficulties in setting out lines; departure from the Montanvert; my hosts; prospect from the Glacier des Bois; Edouard Simond

      13.—Expedition of 1858.92

      Origin and aim of the expedition; Laminated Structure of the ice

      14.—Passage of the Strahleck.93

      Unpromising weather; appearance of the glacier and of the adjacent mountains; Transverse Protuberances; Dirt Bands; Structure; a Slip on a snow slope; the Finsteraarhorn; the Schreckhorn; extraordinary Atmospheric Effects; Summit of the Strahleck; Grand Amphitheatre; mutations of the clouds; descent of the rocks; a Bergschrund; fog in the valley; descent to the Grimsel

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      Ancient Glaciers in the valley of Hasli; Rounded, Polished, and Striated Rocks; level of the ancient ice; Groovings on the Grimsel Pass; glacier of the Rhone; descent of the Rhone valley; the Æggischhorn; Cloud Iridescences; the Aletsch glacier; the Märjelen See; Icebergs; Tributaries of the Aletsch; Grand glacier-region; crevasses; a chamois deceived

      16.—Ascent of the Finsteraarhorn.104

      Character of my Guide; iridescent cloud; evening on the Faulberg; the Jungfrau and her neighbours; a Mountain Cave; the Jungfrau before dawn; contemplated visit; the Grünhorn Lücke; Magnificent Corridor; sunrise; névé of the Viesch glacier; halt at the base of the Finsteraarhorn; Spurs and Couloirs of the mountain; Pyramidal Crest; scene of Agassiz's observations; a hard climb; discipline of such an ascent; Boiling Point; Registering Thermometer, its fate; daring utterance; descent by glissades; the Viesch glacier; hidden crevasses; a brave and competent guide

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      Subsequent days at the Æggischhorn; Afloat on the Icebergs; Bedding and Structure; Ancient Moraines of the Aletsch; Scratched Rocks; passage of the mountains to the end of the glacier; a wild gorge; arrival at Zermatt; the Riffelberg

      18.—First Ascent of Monte Rosa.122

      The ascent new to myself and my guide; directions; Ulrich Lauener; Ominous Clouds; passage of the Görner Glacier; Roches Moutonnées; Avalanche from the Twins; gradual advance of clouds; bridged chasms; Scene from a cliff; apparent atmospheric struggle; Sound of the snow; Dangerous Edge; Overhanging Cornice; staff driven through it; increased obscurity; Rocky Crest; loss of pocket-book; Summit attained; Boiling Point; fall of snow; exquisite forms of the Snow Crystals; a shower of frozen blossoms; the descent; mode of attachment; Startling Avalanche; Blue Light emitted from the fissures of the fresh snow; Stifling Heat; return to the Riffel

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      The Rothe Kumm; pleasant companions; difficult descent; temperatures of rock, air, and grass; Singular Cavern in the ice; Structure and Stratification

      20.—The Görner Grat and the Riffelhorn; Magnetic Phenomena.137

      Formation and Dissipation of clouds; Scene from the Görner Grat; Magnetism of the Rocks; the Compass and Sun at variance; ascent of the Riffelhorn; Magnetic effects; places of most intense action; Scratched and Polished Rocks; Exfoliation of crust produced by the sliding of ancient glaciers; Magnetic Polarity; Consequent Points; Bearings from the Riffelhorn; action on a Distant Needle

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      Fog on the Riffelberg; its dissipation; Sunset from the Görner Grat; Cloud-wreaths on the Matterhorn; Streamers of Flame; grand Interference Phenomenon; investigation of Structure; the Görnerhorn glacier; Western glacier of Monte Rosa; the Schwarze, Trifti, and Théodule glaciers; welding of the Tributaries to parallel Strips; Temptation

      22.—Second Ascent of Monte Rosa (1858).151

      A Light Scrip; my Guide lent; a substitute; a party on the mountain; across the glacier and up the rocks; the guide expostulates; among the crevasses; the guide halts; left alone; beauty of the mountain; splendid effects of Diffraction; Cheer from the summit; on the Kamm; climbers meet; among the rocks; Alone on the Summit; the Axe slips; the prospect; the descent; serious accident; a word on climbing alone

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