Two Centuries of New Milford Connecticut. Various
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Название: Two Centuries of New Milford Connecticut

Автор: Various

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4064066184025


СКАЧАТЬ Stevens; Privates Oliver Bostwick, Herman Smith, Asa Brownson, Josiah Brooks, Ephraim Alderman, Josiah Buck.

      In Colonel Herman Swift’s Second Regiment, Continental Line, in Captain Kimberly’s Company, served from January until June, 1783, the following New Milford men: Sergeants Charles McDonald, Ebinezer Bostwick; Drummer Job Hawkins; Privates Isaac Lockwood, Bostwick Ruggles, and John McCoy.

      The following New Milford men served under Lieutenant Colonel Canfield in the Tryon invasion: Benjamin Stone, Nathaniel Barnes, William Cogswell, Ebenezer Couch, Noble Hine, Ruben Bostwick, Adam Hurlburt.

      The members of the Society of Cincinnati from New Milford were Colonel Josiah Starr, Lieutenant James Bennett, and Lieutenant David Beach.

      THE WAR OF 1812

      The list of men from New Milford who served in the regular army during the War of 1812, taken from the rolls of the Adjutant General’s office, is as follows:

      Lieutenant Thomas Weller; Privates, Hedekiah Baldwin, Theopholus Baldwin, Joseph C. Barnes, Rufus Beeman, Samuel Bunnel, Charles H. Crampton, Kneeland Edwards, Philo Gregory, Joseph Hawley, Stephen Hawley, Abram Hunt, Warren Hyde, Ithamer Lane, Benjamin Lee, James Lee, Stephen Lyon, Seth Nelson, Ebinezer Reynolds, John Saxton, Stephen Seignor, Caleb Shelden, Peleg Slocum, Levi Smith, Eliakim Stow, Samuel Summers, Jonathan Tharrs, Benjamin Warner, Harry Wakelee, William S. Wakelee, Thomas W. Way, Squire Whitney, Shelden Wooden.

      The War Records of Connecticut do not give the places from which the Militia and Volunteers came, so it is impossible to tell exactly how many New Milford men participated in the war. The names of Baldwin, Barnes, Bartholomew, Bassett, Beech, Buck, Buell, Bostwick, Booth, Canfield, Comstock, Noble, Starr, Taylor, Turrill, and many other New Milford names are upon the rolls, but just how many are to be credited to the town it is impossible to say.


      The names of the men from New Milford who served in the Mexican War, taken from the rolls of the Adjutant General’s office, were:

      Henry Burrhants, Sherman Crosby, Albert Morey, Abner M. Philips, Ruben W. Phillips, Warren S. Tenbrok, James Schemmerhorn.


       Allen, Charles J., Mus. Co. I, 8th Inft., Dis. Disa., R. E. Co. D, 28th Inft., deserted.

       Allen, William, Pvt. Co. A, 8th Inft., deserted.

       Anderson, Charles F., Sergt. Co. H, 2d h. Art.

       Atkins, James, Pvt. Co. D, 6th Inft.

       Bailey, Andrew E., Mus. Co. H, 2d h. Art.

       Bailey, Joseph A., Pvt. Co. D, 28th Inft.

       Baldwin, David A., Pvt. and Lt. Co. I, 8th Inft.

       Baldwin, Francis E., Mus. 4th Penn. Cav.

       Banker, Miles N., wagoner, Co. E, 12th Inft.

       Banker, Philo, Pvt. Co. I, 13th Inft., R. E. V. Co. B, died in service May 6, 1865.

       Bartram, Andrew, Pvt. Co. I, 17th Inft., deserted.

       Bartram, Ashbel E., Pvt. Co. I, 8th Inft., Dis. Disa.

       Bartram, Charles E., Pvt. Co. D, 28th Inft.

       Bartram, Charles M., Pvt. Co. I, 14th Inft., missing at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, supposed dead.

       Bartram, Ferdinand, Mus. 4th Penn. Cav.

       Bartram, Oscar F., Pvt. Co. I, 8th Inft., Dis. Disa.

       Beardsley, Daniel S., Petty Off. U. S. Navy.

       Beeman, Charles E., Pvt. Co. H, 2d h. Art.

       Beeman, John A., Pvt. Co. H, 2d h. Art.

       Beeman, Rufus, Pvt. Co. H, 2d h. Art.

       Benedict, William E., Pvt. Co. C, 17th Inft., died at Folly Island, S. C., Nov. 17, 1863.

       Bennett, George D., Pvt. Co. I, 2d h. Art.

       Bemus, Charles F., Pvt. Co. D, 28th Inft., killed at Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863.

       Bennoit, Antone, Pvt. Corp. and Sergt. Co. H, 11th Inft.

       Birch, George, Pvt. Co. I, 8th Inft., killed at Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17, 1863.

       Bishop, Orange P., Pvt. Co. I, 11th Inft., deserted Apr. 4, 1863.

       Booth, Charles M., Mus. Band 4th Penn. Cav., Lt. Co. D, 28th Inft.

       Booth, Henry, Pvt. Co. D, 28th Inft.

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