The Greatest Works of E. Nesbit (220+ Titles in One Illustrated Edition). Эдит Несбит
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СКАЧАТЬ is this vote?’ asked the Queen. ‘Is it a charm? What do they do with it?’

      ‘I don’t know,’ said the harassed Cyril; ‘it’s just a vote, that’s all! They don’t do anything particular with it.’

      ‘I see,’ said the Queen; ‘a sort of plaything. Well, I wish that all these slaves may have in their hands this moment their full of their favourite meat and drink.’


      Instantly all the people in the Mile End Road, and in all the other streets where poor people live, found their hands full of things to eat and drink. From the cab window could be seen persons carrying every kind of food, and bottles and cans as well. Roast meat, fowls, red lobsters, great yellowy crabs, fried fish, boiled pork, beef-steak puddings, baked onions, mutton pies; most of the young people had oranges and sweets and cake. It made an enormous change in the look of the Mile End Road – brightened it up, so to speak, and brightened up, more than you can possibly imagine, the faces of the people.

      ‘Makes a difference, doesn’t it?’ said the Queen.

      ‘That’s the best wish you’ve had yet,’ said Jane with cordial approval.

      Just by the Bank the cabman stopped.

      ‘I ain’t a-goin’ to drive you no further,’ he said. ‘Out you gets.’

      They got out rather unwillingly.

      ‘I wants my tea,’ he said; and they saw that on the box of the cab was a mound of cabbage, with pork chops and apple sauce, a duck, and a spotted currant pudding. Also a large can.

      ‘You pay me my fare,’ he said threateningly, and looked down at the mound, muttering again about his tea.

      ‘We’ll take another cab,’ said Cyril with dignity. ‘Give me change for a sovereign, if you please.’

      But the cabman, as it turned out, was not at all a nice character. He took the sovereign, whipped up his horse, and disappeared in the stream of cabs and omnibuses and waggons, without giving them any change at all.

      Already a little crowd was collecting round the party.

      ‘Come on,’ said Robert, leading the wrong way.

      The crowd round them thickened. They were in a narrow street where many gentlemen in black coats and without hats were standing about on the pavement talking very loudly.

      ‘How ugly their clothes are,’ said the Queen of Babylon. ‘They’d be rather fine men, some of them, if they were dressed decently, especially the ones with the beautiful long, curved noses. I wish they were dressed like the Babylonians of my court.’

      And of course, it was so.

      The moment the almost fainting Psammead had blown itself out every man in Throgmorton Street appeared abruptly in Babylonian full dress.

      All were carefully powdered, their hair and beards were scented and curled, their garments richly embroidered. They wore rings and armlets, flat gold collars and swords, and impossible-looking head-dresses.

      A stupefied silence fell on them.

      ‘I say,’ a youth who had always been fair-haired broke that silence, ‘it’s only fancy of course – something wrong with my eyes – but you chaps do look so rum.’

      ‘Rum,’ said his friend. ‘Look at you. You in a sash! My hat! And your hair’s gone black and you’ve got a beard. It’s my belief we’ve been poisoned. You do look a jackape.’

      ‘Old Levinstein don’t look so bad. But how was it done – that’s what I want to know. How was it done? Is it conjuring, or what?’

      ‘I think it is chust a ver’ bad tream,’ said old Levinstein to his clerk; ‘all along Bishopsgate I haf seen the gommon people have their hants full of food – goot food. Oh yes, without doubt a very bad tream!’

      ‘Then I’m dreaming too, sir,’ said the clerk, looking down at his legs with an expression of loathing. ‘I see my feet in beastly sandals as plain as plain.’

      ‘All that goot food wasted,’ said old Mr Levinstein. A bad tream – a bad tream.’

      The Members of the Stock Exchange are said to be at all times a noisy lot. But the noise they made now to express their disgust at the costumes of ancient Babylon, was far louder than their ordinary row. One had to shout before one could hear oneself speak.

      ‘I only wish,’ said the clerk who thought it was conjuring – he was quite close to the children and they trembled, because they knew that whatever he wished would come true. ‘I only wish we knew who’d done it.’

      And, of course, instantly they did know, and they pressed round the Queen.

      ‘Scandalous! Shameful! Ought to be put down by law. Give her in charge. Fetch the police,’ two or three voices shouted at once.

      The Queen recoiled.

      ‘What is it?’ she asked. ‘they sound like caged lions – lions by the thousand. What is it that they say?’

      ‘They say “Police!”,’ said Cyril briefly. ‘I knew they would sooner or later. And I don’t blame them, mind you.’

      ‘I wish my guards were here!’ cried the Queen. The exhausted Psammead was panting and trembling, but the Queen’s guards in red and green garments, and brass and iron gear, choked Throgmorton Street, and bared weapons flashed round the Queen.

      ‘I’m mad,’ said a Mr Rosenbaum; ‘dat’s what it is – mad!’

      ‘It’s a judgement on you, Rosy,’ said his partner. ‘I always said you were too hard in that matter of Flowerdew. It’s a judgement, and I’m in it too.’

      The members of the Stock Exchange had edged carefully away from the gleaming blades, the mailed figures, the hard, cruel Eastern faces. But Throgmorton Street is narrow, and the crowd was too thick for them to get away as quickly as they wished.

      ‘Kill them,’ cried the Queen. ‘Kill the dogs!’

      The guards obeyed.

      ‘It is all a dream,’ cried Mr Levinstein, cowering in a doorway behind his clerk.

      ‘It isn’t,’ said the clerk. ‘It isn’t. Oh, my good gracious! those foreign brutes are killing everybody. Henry Hirsh is down now, and Prentice is cut in two – oh, Lord! and Huth, and there goes Lionel Cohen with his head off, and Guy Nickalls has lost his head now. A dream? I wish to goodness it was all a dream.’

      And, of course, instantly it was! The entire Stock Exchange rubbed its eyes and went back to close, to over, and either side of seven-eights, and Trunks, and Kaffirs, and Steel Common, and Contangoes, and Backwardations, Double Options, and all the interesting subjects concerning which they talk in the Street without ceasing.

      No one said a word about it to anyone else. I think I have explained before that business men do not like it to be known that they have been dreaming in business СКАЧАТЬ