The Greatest Works of E. Nesbit (220+ Titles in One Illustrated Edition). Эдит Несбит
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СКАЧАТЬ has often heard

       Of all the splendid things we do,

       Great Phoenix, just to honour you.’

      ‘That’s better,’ said the bird.

      And everyone sang:

      ‘Class one, for private dwelling-house,

       For household goods and shops allows:

       Provided these are built of brick

       Or stone, and tiled and slated thick.’

      ‘Try another verse,’ said the Phoenix, ‘further on.’

      And again arose the voices of all the clerks and employees and managers and secretaries and cooks:

      ‘In Scotland our insurance yields

       The price of burnt-up stacks in fields.’

      ‘Skip that verse,’ said the Phoenix.

      ‘Thatched dwellings and their whole contents

       We deal with – also with their rents;

       Oh, glorious Phoenix, look and see

       That these are dealt with in class three.

      ‘The glories of your temple throng

       Too thick to go in any song;

       And we attend, O good and wise,

       To “days of grace” and merchandise.

      ‘When people’s homes are burned away

       They never have a cent to pay

       If they have done as all should do,

       O Phoenix, and have honoured you.

      ‘So let us raise our voice and sing

       The praises of the Phoenix King.

       In classes one and two and three,

       Oh, trust to him, for kind is he!’

      ‘I’m sure you’re very kind,’ said the Phoenix; ‘and now we must be going. And thank you very much for a very pleasant time. May you all prosper as you deserve to do, for I am sure a nicer, pleasanter-spoken lot of temple attendants I have never met, and never wish to meet. I wish you all good-day!’

      It fluttered to the wrist of Robert and drew the four children from the room. The whole of the office staff followed down the wide stairs and filed into their accustomed places, and the two most important officials stood on the steps bowing till Robert had buttoned the golden bird in his Norfolk bosom, and it and he and the three other children were lost in the crowd.

      The two most important gentlemen looked at each other earnestly and strangely for a moment, and then retreated to those sacred inner rooms, where they toil without ceasing for the good of the House.

      And the moment they were all in their places – managers, secretaries, clerks, and porters – they all started, and each looked cautiously round to see if any one was looking at him. For each thought that he had fallen asleep for a few minutes, and had dreamed a very odd dream about the Phoenix and the board-room. And, of course, no one mentioned it to any one else, because going to sleep at your office is a thing you simply must not do.

      The extraordinary confusion of the board-room, with the remains of the incense in the plates, would have shown them at once that the visit of the Phoenix had been no dream, but a radiant reality, but no one went into the board-room again that day; and next day, before the office was opened, it was all cleaned and put nice and tidy by a lady whose business asking questions was not part of. That is why Cyril read the papers in vain on the next day and the day after that; because no sensible person thinks his dreams worth putting in the paper, and no one will ever own that he has been asleep in the daytime.

      The Phoenix was very pleased, but it decided to write an ode for itself. It thought the ones it had heard at its temple had been too hastily composed. Its own ode began:

      ‘For beauty and for modest worth

       The Phoenix has not its equal on earth.’

      And when the children went to bed that night it was still trying to cut down the last line to the proper length without taking out any of what it wanted to say.

      That is what makes poetry so difficult.

      Chapter VI.

       Doing Good

       Table of Contents

      ‘We shan’t be able to go anywhere on the carpet for a whole week, though,’ said Robert.

      ‘And I’m glad of it,’ said Jane, unexpectedly.

      ‘Glad?’ said Cyril, ‘glad?’

      It was breakfast-time, and Mother’s letter, telling them how they were all going for Christmas to their aunt’s at Lyndhurst, and how Father and Mother would meet them there, having been read by everyone, lay on the table, drinking hot bacon-fat with one corner and eating marmalade with the other.

      ‘Yes, glad,’ said Jane. ‘I don’t want any more things to happen just now. I feel like you do when you’ve been to three parties in a week – like we did at granny’s once – and extras in between, toys and chocs and things like that. I want everything to be just real, and no fancy things happening at all.’

      ‘I don’t like being obliged to keep things from Mother,’ said Anthea. ‘I don’t know why, but it makes me feel selfish and mean.’

      ‘If we could only get the mater to believe it, we might take her to the jolliest places,’ said Cyril, thoughtfully. ‘As it is, we’ve just got to be selfish and mean – if it is that – but I don’t feel it is.’

      ‘I know it isn’t, but I feel it is,’ said Anthea, ‘and that’s just as bad.’

      ‘It’s worse,’ said Robert; ‘if you knew it and didn’t feel it, it wouldn’t matter so much.’

      ‘That’s being a hardened criminal, Father says,’ put in Cyril, and he picked up Mother’s letter and wiped its corners with his handkerchief, to whose colour a trifle of bacon-fat and marmalade made but little difference.

      ‘We’re going tomorrow, anyhow,’ said Robert. ‘Don’t,’ he added, with a good-boy expression on his face – ‘don’t let’s be ungrateful for our blessings; don’t let’s waste the day in saying how horrid it is to keep secrets from Mother, when we all know Anthea tried all she knew to give her the secret, and she wouldn’t take it. Let’s get on the carpet and have a jolly good wish. You’ll have time enough to repent of things all next week.’

      ‘Yes,’ said Cyril, ‘let’s. It’s not really wrong.’

      ‘Well, СКАЧАТЬ