The Sunny Side. A. A. Milne
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Название: The Sunny Side

Автор: A. A. Milne

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4057664629920


СКАЧАТЬ had eaten together and this had brought back his memories in a flood. To-night he would meet her again. He knew it instinctively. Besides, it was like this that William Trewulliam had met Anne again, and Henry Polhenery had met Sarah, and Thomas Pentummas had met Alice, and—well, anyhow he knew.


      It was Mary speaking. Perhaps you had guessed.

      "You knew me?" (This is John. It was his turn.)

      "I knew you." (Said Mary.)

      "Do you remember—"

      Mary blushed, and John did not deviate from the healthy red colour which he had maintained throughout the conversation. In spite of his success he was never quite at ease in society at this period of his life. Nor were Henry Polhenery and Thomas Pentummas. They remained handsome but awkward, which was why women loved them so.

      "I love you," (John speaking.)

      "I think I must have always loved you." (Mary going it.)

      He took her hand in his.

      Nobody noticed them. They were as much alone as if they had been at the National Gallery together. Many of the guests were going through similar scenes of recognition and love-making; others were asking each other if they had read "William Trewulliam" yet, and lying about it others again were making for the buffet. John and Mary had the world to themselves. …

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